Frage | Antworten |
bond (n) an official paper given by the government or a company to show that you have lent them money that they will pay back to you at a particular interest rate | dluhopis |
building society (n) | stavební spořitelna an organization like a bank that lends money to people who want to buy a house. people also save money with a building society. |
central bank (n) | centrální banka a national bank that does business with the government and other banks, and issues the country’s coins and paper money |
commercial bank/ retail bank (n) | komerční banka a bank that offers services to the general public and to businesses |
conglomerate (n) | konglomerát a large company formed by joining together different firms |
credit (n), (v) | 1. úvěr, půjčka 2. úvěr 3. připsat 1. money that you borrow from a bank; a loan 2. an arrangement that you make, with a shop/store for example, to pay later for something 3. to add an amount of money to somebody’s bank account |
credit card (n) | kreditní karta a plastic card that you can use to buy goods and services and pay for them later |
current account (bre)/ | běžný účet a type of bank account that you can take money out of at any time, and that provides you with a debit card or a credit card |
debit card | debetní karta a plastic card that can be used to take money directly from your bank account when you pay for something |
debt | dluh a sum of money that somebody owes |
default (v), (n) | nezaplatit, neplnění závazku to fail to do sth that you legally have to do, especially by not paying debt |
deflation (n) | deflace a reduction in the amount of money in a country’ |
deposit (n), (v) | vklad, záloha, uložit peníze a sum of money that is paid into a bank account, a sum of money that is give as the first part of a larger payment to put money into a bank account |
direct debit (n) | inkaso an instruction to your bank to allow somebody else to take an amount of money from your account on a particular date, mainly to pay bills |
embezzle | zpronevěřit, defraudovat to steal money that you are responsible for or that belongs to your employer |
intermediary | zprostředkovatel a person or an organization that helps other people or organizations to make an agreement by being a means of communication between them |
maturity | splatnost the length of time which a bond is issued |
merger | fúze the act of joining two or more organizations or business into one |
microfinance bank | mikrofinanční instituce a bank that provides loans to very poor people, usually in developing countries |
mortgage | hypotéka a legal agreement by which a bank lends you money to buy a house |
overdraft | přečerpání účtu, kontokorent the amount of money that you owe to a bank when you have spent more money than is in your bank account |
principal | jistina the amount of capital making up a bond or other loan |
return | výnos the amount of profit you get from your investment |
yield | výtěžek the rate of income an investor receives from their stocks, shares or bonds |
capital gains tax | daň z kapitálových výnosů a tax on the proceeds from the sale of assets |
corporate tax | daň z příjmu firem a tax on the profits of companies |
customs duty | clo a tax on imports |
debenture | dluhopis, obligace a type of a debt instrument issued by governments and corporations in order to gain capital |
depression | a long and severe recession in an economy |
excise duty | spotrebni dan a tax placed on specific goods manufactured or sold within a country |
externality | externalita a consequence of an industrial or commercial activity, which affects other parties |
fiscal policy | government actions concerning taxation and public expenditure |
income tax | a tax on earned income |
infant industry | an industry which is not fully developed, unable to survive competition |
merit good | obecně prospěšný statek a good that society thinks people should consume or receive, no matter what their incomes are |
monetary policy | central bank actions concerning the rate of growth of money in circulation |
pollution | the presence of a harmful substance in environment |
public good | veřejný statek a good that is available for the society as a whole and not just individual members |
renewable | onbnovitelný a natural resource not depleted when used |
tax avoidance | daňová optimalizace the arrangement minimizing tax liability within the law |
tax evasion | daňový únik the illegal non-payment or underpayment of tax |
tax exemption | daňová výjimka the official permission to pay lower taxes or not to pay at all |
tax haven | daňový ráj a country where taxes are levied at a lower rate |
tax reelief/allowance | daňová úleva a sum to be deducted from gross income in the calculation of taxable income |
tax return | daňové přiznání a form on which a taxpayer makes an annual statement of income |
tax revenue | daňové příjmy an amount of money collected by the government |
transfer payments | transferová platba payments made by the government to individuals without requiring any goods or services in return |
unemployment benefit | podpora v nezaměstnanosti money paid by the government to people who are unemployed |
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