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Horatio Nelson flashcards
Claudia Asencio
Karteikarten von Claudia Asencio, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Claudia Asencio
Erstellt von Claudia Asencio vor mehr als 5 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Frage Antworten
When was Horatio Nelson named captain? a) At the age of 20. * b) At the age of 12. c) At the age of 18.
What was the name of Horatio Nelson and Emma Hamilton's daughter? a) Horatia Chili's. b) Horatia Nelson.* c)Emma Nelson.
When did Nelson's army attack Santa Cruz? a) In 1975. b) In 1575. c) In 1797.*
Who was Horatio Nelson's lover? a) Frances Nisbet. b) Emma Hamilton.* c) Lucy Hale.
When did he die? a) In 1801. b) In 1799. c) In 1805.*
Where is he buried? a) Meersburg, Germany. b) St Peter
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