Vocabulary home problems


Level 4 Karteikarten am Vocabulary home problems, erstellt von Esperanza Muñoz am 14/05/2019.
Esperanza Muñoz
Karteikarten von Esperanza Muñoz, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Esperanza Muñoz
Erstellt von Esperanza Muñoz vor mehr als 5 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Frage Antworten
it won't turn on.
The pipe is leaking.
My car has a dent.
The screen is flickering.
He got a shock with the lamp wire.
The doorknob is loose.
The doorknob fell off.
The computer is making a funny noise.
My CD doesn't work. It's scratched.
The curtains are torn.
That blanket has a hole.
The shirt has a stain.
The battery is dead.
My bathtub has a lot of mold.
I have to get my car painted. It has a lot of rust.
Let's buy a new plate. My favorite one is chipped.
Did you see my windshield? It's totally cracked.
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