Unit 2 Vocabulary


High School AP World History (Unit 2: 600 BCE - 600 CE) Karteikarten am Unit 2 Vocabulary, erstellt von dawnthompson3 am 10/01/2015.
Karteikarten von dawnthompson3, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Erstellt von dawnthompson3 vor mehr als 9 Jahre

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Alexander the Great 356 BCE - 323 BCE Successor of Philip II who conquered most of the ancient world from Asia Minor to Egypt to India and founded the Hellenistic culture
Aristotle 384 BCE - 322 BCE Greek philosopher who was a student of Plato, studied natural and social sciences, and taught Alexander the Great
Ashoka 270 BCE - 232 BCE Grandson of Chandragupta Maurya who was a brutal ruler of the Mauryan Empire until he converted to Buddhism and became peaceful
Augustus Caesar (Octavian) 63 BCE - 14 CE First Roman Emperor and adopted son of Julius Caesar who defeated Mark Antony to gain power and was part of the second triumvirate
Buddhism Religion founded in India by Siddhartha Guatama who believed that all life is suffering which is caused by desire and can be ended using the Eightfold Path
Calligraphy Art of beautiful handwriting that is used around the world as a form of writing and decoration
Caste System Hindu social class system determined by heredity that controlled every aspect of their lives
Confucianism Teachings of Chinese philosopher Confucius that focuses on ethics, education, stable government, and an orderly society
Emperor Constantine 272 CE - 337 CE Roman emperor who moved the capital to Constantinople and issued the Edict of Milan which outlawed the persecution of Christians
Consuls Two patrician officials in Rome who participated in government matters
Daoism Philosophical system founded by Laozi which rejected political ideas, taught that people are guided by a universal force called Dao, and focused on peace
Diocletian 284 CE - 305 CE Roman emperor who divided the empire into an East and West in an attempt to make it easier to control
Greek "Classical Age" 500 BCE - 338 BCE The Golden Age of Greece where major ideas and achievements flourished (architecture, art, philosophies, etc.)
Gupta Empire 320 CE - 550 CE Successor of the Mauryan Empire that was founded by Chandra Gupta, referred to as the Golden Age of India, and characterized by peace, prosperity, and trade
Han Wudi 141 BCE - 87 BCE "Martial Emperor" Greatest emperor of the Han Dynasty who created the civil service exam and promoted Confucianism
Hellenistic Culture 323 BCE - 30 BCE Alexander's mixture of Greek, Egyptian, Indian, and Persian cultures that showed cultural diffusion and created major trade routes
Hinduism Religion that originated in India and believed in the caste system, Brahman, karma, atman, samsara, and moksha
Julius Caesar 100 BCE - 44 BCE Roman patrician who formed the first triumvirate, conquered Gaul, became Rome's dictator for life, was assassinated by a group of senators, and was a major reason for Rome becoming an Empire
Laozi Chinese philosopher who founded Daoism and taught that nature was more important than government
Legalism Chinese philosophical system founded by Hanfeizi which taught that humans are evil and believed that government should have strict control
Mauryan Dynasty 324 BCE - 183 BCE Indian empire founded by Chandragupta Maurya that developed Jainism and promoted Buddhism
Patricians Wealthy landowners who made up Rome's upper class and held most of the government power
Plebeians Laboring commoners who made up Rome's lower class and fought for political reforms
Pax Romana 200 years of peace in Rome that allowed Rome to artistically and intellectually flourish
Phoenicians Maritime people who developed around present day Lebanon, created an alphabet, and were the first to sail the Mediterranean
Plato 430 BCE - 347 BCE Greek philosopher who was Socrates' most famous student and described his ideal government in "The Republic"
Qin Dynasty 221 BCE - 206 BCE Chinese dynasty founded by Huangdi that started the construction of the Great Wall
Reincarnation Hinduism and Buddhism belief that the soul is reborn in different forms after death
Roman Republic 509 BCE - 31 BCE Rome was governed by the aristocratic Roman senate which produced the Twelve Tables
Roman Empire 31 BCE - 476 CE Empire established by Augustus Caesar that conquered a lot of land and later started the Byzantine Empire
Scholar-Gentry Class Chinese class created by the marital linkage of the local landholding aristocracy and the officeholders that served as the highest class
Secularism The belief that religious concerns should be separate from the government
Roman Senate Advisory council whose members were wealthy landowners who helped govern the growing empire
Shi Huangdi 259 BCE - 210 BCE "First Emperor" Ruler of the Qin Dynasty in China
Siddhartha Guatama 563 BCE - 483 BCE "Buddha" Founder of Buddhism who created the Four Noble Truths and the Eightfold Path
Socrates 470 BCE - 399 BCE Roman philosopher who asked ethical questions and thought about human nature and the ability to reason
Terra Cotta Army Lifesize terra cotta soldiers in an underground tomb that were used to protect Shi Huandgi in his afterlife
Roman Tribunes Two plebeian officials elected into the Roman senate who had the right to veto laws
Roman Triumvirate A group of three leaders First: Julius Caesar, Crassus, Pompeius Second: Octavian, Lepidus, Mark Antony
Upanishads Sacred text of Hinduism that discusses the relations of humans, gods, and the universe
Rig Veda Hinduism's sacred text that is a collection of Sanskrit hymns which contain information about spiritual and philosophical ideas
Warring States Period 475 BCE - 221 BCE Battles between Zhou and Qin which resulted in an increase of power for the nobility
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