intention to be legally bound


Karteikarten am intention to be legally bound , erstellt von allie hatch am 23/07/2019.
allie hatch
Karteikarten von allie hatch, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
allie hatch
Erstellt von allie hatch vor etwa 5 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Frage Antworten
for a contract to be binding, both parties must have the intention to what? be legally bound
what is the presumption for social and domestic arrangements ? presumed that there was no intention to be legally bound
is this presumption irrebuttable ? not irrebuttable but needs clear reliance, certainty of terms and evidence of the seriousness of the promise
what is the case for agreements between a parent and child? Jones v Padavatton not sufficiently certain (having an intention to be legally bound)
what are the conflicting cases for agreements between husband and wives ? why are they conflicting ? Balfour v Balfour - still together when agreement made so not legally enforceable Merritt v Merritt - split up when agreement was made so legally enforceable
what must the language used have ? case? must have certainty Gould v Gould
what is the presumption for commercial agreements ? - presumption that there is an intent to create legal relations
what are the cases for this ? (commercial agreements) Carlill v Carbolic smokeball Esso Petroleum v commissioners
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