Chemistry Exam Review


Science Karteikarten am Chemistry Exam Review, erstellt von shubhreet123 am 25/01/2015.
Karteikarten von shubhreet123, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Erstellt von shubhreet123 vor etwa 10 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Frage Antworten
What is the particle theory? 1. All matter is made up of particles w/ empty spaces between them 2.Different substances = different type particles 3.Particles are in constant random motion 4. Temperature changes = speed of motion changes 5. Particles attract each other
What is matter? Anything that occupies space and has mass.
What is a pure substance? Contains only 1 kind of material (molecular and atomic composition are uniform throughout) and can only be separated by chemical means.
What is an element? A pure substance that cannot be broken down into a simpler substance
What is a compound? A pure substance that contains two or more different elements.
What is a mixture Contains at least 2 different pure substances, can be separated by physical means and has a variable composition.
What is a solution? Homogeneous mixture that mixes together so particles aren't visible.
What is a mechanical mixture? Heterogeneous mixture where the different substances are visible b/c the particles don't mix well together.
What is a physical property and name the different kinds? A characteristic of a substance that can be determined without changing the composition of that substance. (Lustre, Optical clarity, viscosity, hardness, malleability, ductility and electrical conductivity)
What is a chemical property and name the different kinds? The ability of a substance to change/transform into a new substance. (ability to burn, flash point, behavior in air, reaction with water, reaction to heating)
How can you tell when a chemical change has occurred? 1. A new substance is produced 2. A new odor/color is produced 3. Light or heat is produced 4. Bubbles of gas are formed 5. A precipitate is formed
How can you physically change a substance? Melting, freezing, boiling, dissolving and evaporating
What is a chemical group? A set of elements in the same column in the periodic table.
What is a period? A horizontal row of elements on the periodic table.
Features of Alkali Metals? (Group 1/1A) They have 1 valence electron, are shiny, silvery-grey, soft, malleable, ductile, and conduct electricity/heat. They can catch flame spontaneously and are usually found in nature as compounds.
Features of Alkaline Earth Metals? (Group 2/2A) They have 2 valence electrons, are soft, shiny and less metallic than group 1 elements, extremely reactive and form compounds that are insoluble in water.
Features of Halogens? (Group 17/7A) They have 7 valence electrons, are non-metals with each having a noticeable color, very reactive, very corrosive, found in nature and compounds containing a halogen are referred to as salts.
Features of Noble Gases? (Group 18/8A) They have 8 valence electrons (full valence), are gases at room temperature, odorless, colorless, tasteless, very stable, rarely form compounds. They are not very reactive unless electricity goes through them, causing them to glow brightly.
Features of Hydrogen? (Group H) It has 1 valence electron, is very unique, highly flammable and explosive when reacting.
Features of Metalloids? They have metallic and non-metallic properties. are good for computer chips and are semi-conductive.
What is the atomic theory? 1. All matter is made up of small particles called atoms 2. Atoms cannot be created, destroyed or divided into smaller particles 3. Same element = same atom type, vice-versa 4. Compounds are made when atoms of 2 different elements link in definite proportions.
What is an ionic compound? A chemical bond between a metal and a non-metal. Pure substances consisting of 1 metal (cation) and 1 non-metal (anion)
What are the properties of ionic compounds? 1. High melting points 2. Ability to form crystals 3. Dissolve in water to form solution that conduct electricity 4. Solid at room temperature
What is an ionic bond? An attraction between oppositely charged ions.
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