Erstellt von LuvLotus 2019
vor mehr als 5 Jahre
Frage | Antworten |
a- , an- | not ,without |
ante- | before , in front of |
anti- | against , opposed to |
aqua- | water |
-ase | designating an enzyme |
auto- | self |
bi- | two , twice |
bio- | life |
blast- | immature/precursor cell |
chloro- | green |
chrome- | color |
-cide | kill |
co- , con- | with |
cycle | circle |
-cyst | bladder , pouch |
cyto- , -cyte | cell |
de- | remove |
derm- | skin |
di- | two , twice |
dia- | through , between |
eco- | house |
em- , en- , endo- | in , into |
epi- | on , above , upon |
ex- , exo- | out of , from |
gastro- | stomach |
gen- | to produce |
glyc- | glucose , sugar |
-graph | to write |
hemo- | blood |
hetero- | different |
homo- , homeo- | same |
hydro- | water |
hyper- | over , more than |
hypo- | under , less than |
inter- | between , together |
intra- | within |
iso- | equal |
-itis | inflammation |
lac- | milk |
-logy | study of |
-lysis | dissolve , destroy |
macro- | large |
meso- | middle , intermediate |
micro- | small |
-oma | swelling , tumor |
oo- | egg |
-osis | condition or process |
osteo- | bone |
ovi- | egg |
para- | near , beside |
patho- | disease |
phago- | to eat |
-phil | loving |
photo- | light |
-plasm | substance |
-ped , -pod | foot |
poly- | many |
post- | after |
pro- | before |
psuedo- | false |
soma- , -some | body |
syn- | together |
trans- | across , over , through |
zoo- | animal |
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