IT und Gesellschaft Lecture VIII


Karteikarten am IT und Gesellschaft Lecture VIII, erstellt von Mikael Caselitz am 10/09/2019.
Mikael Caselitz
Karteikarten von Mikael Caselitz, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Mikael Caselitz
Erstellt von Mikael Caselitz vor etwa 5 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Frage Antworten
Nudge theory definition way of influencing choice without limiting choice set or making alternatives more costly in terms of time, trouble, social sanctions.
Types of Nudges Default Option, Social Proof Heuristics, Reminder, Providing Feedback, Element of Entertainment/Gamification, Disclosure
Default Option (Nudges) simly what happens if you do nothing, individual is nudged to choose given option if set as default
Social Proof Heuristics/Norms (Nudges) Inductive Norms: behaviour other individuals approve of Descriptive Norms: the desirable behaviour of others Such info most powerful when as local and specific as possible
Reminder (Nudges) By email or textmessage, as for overdue bills ans coming obligations or appointments
Providing Feedback (Nudges) feedback makes people aware of their behaviour and pushes them into the desired direction
Element of Entertainment (Nudges) Humans have need of integrating play elements into their lives To nudge is to stimulate the desired behaviour in entertaining way
Disclosure (Nudges) In some settings, disclosure can operate as a check on private or public inattention, incompetence, wrongdoing and corruption
Social Credit System def. (SCS) multi-level nationwide rating system corconcept is honesty and trustworthyness all legal entities receive 18-digit ID
main reasons for implementing SCS Moral decline in Chinese society -> public shaming Strengthendomestic economy -> loans based on trustworthiness
FIndings (SCS) Focus on public shaming & prasing Blacklist: clear punishment Redlist: vague rewards Currently: more information on bad behaviour than on good
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