VCE Psychology Units 3 & 4


Exam revision
Bethany Campbell
Karteikarten von Bethany Campbell, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Bethany Campbell
Erstellt von Bethany Campbell vor mehr als 5 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Frage Antworten
Extraneous variable Any variable other than the IV that causes change in the value of the DV
Confounding variable Variable that has a systematic effect on the value of the DV.
Variable A quality or quantity that can vary according to time or place
Experimenter effect Action of the experimenter that affect the IV therefore affecting the DV
Experimenter bias Unintentional actions that may occur in the collection and treatment of data
Participant effect Where the participants behavioural responses may be influenced by their expectations or how they believe they should respond.
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