Hitler’s Consolidation of Power 1933 - 34


iGCSE History (Germany 1919 - 1945) Karteikarten am Hitler’s Consolidation of Power 1933 - 34, erstellt von Drew Bott am 28/10/2019.
Drew Bott
Karteikarten von Drew Bott, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Drew Bott
Erstellt von Drew Bott vor fast 5 Jahre

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Frage Antworten
When did Hitler become Chancellor? January 1933
Why was his position not secure? The President was suspicious of him / he could be dismissed at any time / Von Papen had the ‘ear’ of the President / he only had 3 Nazis in the Cabinet / was not permitted use of Article 48 / Army was suspicious of him
Summarise the steps to consolidation Reichstag Fire (February) / Emergency Decree / March Election / Enabling Act (March) / Creation of a one party state (July) / Night of the Long Knives (June 34) / Death of Hindenburg (August 34)
Describe the Reichstag Fire 27 February 1933 The Reichstag building was set on fire – inside the building was a Dutch communist, Marinus van der Lubbe (he was found with matches in his pocket). He confessed and was later executed. Hitler claimed the fire was a communist plot and persuaded Hindenburg to sign an emergency decree, known as ‘The Law for the Protection of People and the State’. This ended all the freedoms granted by the constitution and gave the police total control. The police and SA arrested communist leaders, meetings were broken up and newspapers closed down. Other political opponents of the Nazis suffered.
How did the Reichstag fire help Hitler? The Nazis were able to campaign freely for the March Election - restrictions placed on other parties. They won More people voted for (44%) = 288 seats. Combined with the DNVP Nationalist Party (52 seats), to get a majority of the 647 deputies in the Reichstag.
What was the Enabling Act (law)? It was a provision within the Weimar Constitution allowing the Chancellor to pass laws without consulting the Reichstag for up to 4 years. It needed a 2/3rds majority in the Reichstag to be passed into law.
How did Hitler get the Enabling Act through the Reichstag? A combination of political deals and intimidation. He banned the communists (81 seats) / intimidated members of the SDP / did deals with the Catholic Centre Party Enough to pass the Act by 444 - 94
What immediate action did Hitler take after the Enabling Act was passed? Banned all other Political Parties (July) creating a one party State. Banned Trade Unions Began the Nazification of local and National Government (Co-ordination) Essentially took control of German political, administrative and legal systems.
What was the Night of the Long Knives? (June 1934) The ‘purge’ of potential internal opposition to win support of the Army and wealthy industrialists.
Who were the ‘victims’ of the Night of the Long Knives? Ernst Rohm (leader of the SA) & 100s of other SA Hitler could not ‘rely’ on.
How did the Night of the Long Knives help Hitler? It enabled him to win the support of the Army Generals who saw the SA as unruly, ill-disciplined thugs. It was the SA or the Army - Hitler chose the Army
What ‘fortuitous’ event helped Hitler in 1934? The death of President Hindenburg Hitler immediately declared himself as president, as well as chancellor, he took on the new title ‘ Fuhrer and Reich Chancellor’ On the same day the army swore and oath of loyalty to Hitler – the army was the only force with the power to oppose and remove Hitler...and they had promised to support him
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