

Jiya Menon
Karteikarten von Jiya Menon, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Jiya Menon
Erstellt von Jiya Menon vor etwa 5 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Frage Antworten
Anoint To pour oil on someone's head for a special reason, often as a part of a religious ritual
Psalms Poems or songs used to worship god
Sin An action that is against Gods law and that can damage a person's relationship with God
Repent Show regret for a sin and try not to do it again.
Temple A place of worship
Ark of the Covenant A chest containing the two tablets of the ten commandments; the most important symbol of the Jewish faith.
Hanukkah The Jewish festival celebrates the Jews getting back their religious freedom and their temple
Messiah 'The anointed one' sent by God as a leader
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