

Karteikarten am Vaccines, erstellt von James Lee am 16/01/2020.
James Lee
Karteikarten von James Lee, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
James Lee
Erstellt von James Lee vor etwa 5 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Frage Antworten
Hepatitis B - first dose at birth -second dose 1-2 months -last dose 24 weeks -do not restart
DTaP, DT -first dose as early as 6 weeks -fourth as early as 12 months -at least 6 months between dose 3 and 4 -stay with same product
TDaP -single dose age 11-18 -given with every pregnancy
Polio -first as early as 6 weeks -separated by 4 weeks
HPV -start at age 9 -through age 26 -2: 4 weeks, 3: 12 weeks
Varicella -not before 12 months -second 3 months later or 4-6 years -Either 28 days away from other live vaccines or on same day; same with TB test
MMR -first 12-15 months -Either 28 days away from other live vaccines or on same day
Rotovirus -12 or 3 dose series -2 dose by 28 weeks -3 dose by 38 weeks -if mixing brands, must be 3 weeks -early as 6 weeks
HIB -first at 6 weeks -second no less than 12 months old and at least 8 weeks after previous
PCV -first as early as 6 weeks
23-Valent -for children with chronic illness -2 years or older
Hep A - start after 1 year -6 months between doses
MCV4 -for dorm living college freshmen -high risk 2 years old or older -overseas travel
Flu -Type A makes you feel sick -limited effectiveness -younger than 9 should get 2, 1 month apart
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