

Public health Flashcards on Immunization, created by Ashutosh Kumar on 26/03/2017.
Ashutosh Kumar
Flashcards by Ashutosh Kumar, updated more than 1 year ago
Ashutosh Kumar
Created by Ashutosh Kumar almost 8 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
List of Vaccines we give: Vaccines we give: Rubella Measles Mumps Hep B Diphtheria Tetanus Pertussis Polio Rotavirus Haemophilus influenzae type b Pneumococcal Influenza HPV
Steps in decision making about funding a new vaccine: Steps in decision making about funding a new vaccine: Burden of disease; hospitalizations, cases in the community and age distribution Vaccine efficacy and safety; Phase 1 (small group=50, measure seroconversion and side effects); Phase 2 (larger group, measure antibody response, adverse effects and frequency); Phase 3 (community based trial, ideally RCT, longer term monitoring of side effects); percentage reduction in disease incidence as a result of immunization ((rate of disease in unimmunized-rate of disease in immunized/rate of disease in unimmunized)x100) Economic analysis: Burden of disease (what is the cost to the health care system and nation) Cost effectiveness (compare change in health care costs to a change in some intermediate health outcome measure) & (is vaccination a good health investment) Cost benefit (compare monetary benefits with costs) (is vaccination a good economic investment) Vaccine delivery
Essential pre-requisites before introducing a new vaccine: Essential pre-requisites before introducing a new vaccine: Obtaining full benefits from existing vaccines. Financially sustainable programme. Functional cold chain. Well managed vaccine stock. Safe administration Effective adverse event monitoring High quality disease surveillance
Implementation: Implementation: Planning: who/how/where Communication/promotion: Public health workforce Monitoring: When/how
Assessment of coverage: Assessment of coverage: System should be: Accurate Ongoing Timely Reliable E.g period surveys and NIR (national immunization register)
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