Chapter 8 - Performance Management and Appraisal


Karteikarten am Chapter 8 - Performance Management and Appraisal, erstellt von Josefine Marie am 22/01/2020.
Josefine Marie
Karteikarten von Josefine Marie, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Josefine Marie
Erstellt von Josefine Marie vor mehr als 4 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Frage Antworten
Employee engagement - level of commitment workers make to their employers - Seen in their willingness to stay at firm and go beyond call of duty -- found in employees minds, hearts and hands
Performance Management - Goal-oriented process ensuring processes are in place to maximize productivity at employee, team and organizational levels - Close relationship between incentives and performance - Dynamic, ongoing, continuous process - each part of the system is integrated and linked for continuous organizational effectiveness
Performance Appraisal - formal system of review and evaluation of individual or team task performance - often negative, disliked activity
Uses of Performance appraisal - Human Resource Planning - Recruitment and Selection - Training and development - Career planning and development - Compensation programs - Internal employee relations - Assessment of employee potential
Performance Appraisal Environmental Factors - Legislation requiring nondiscriminatory appraisal systems - Labor Unions - factors within internal environment, such as corporate culture
Performance Appraisal Process - Identifying specific performance goals - establish performance criteria and communicate these expectation to employees - examine work performed - Appraise the results - Discuss appraisal with employee
Getting rid of performance appraisals?? - managers dont like doing it and emplyoees dont like receiving them - maybe there is a better way
Performance criteria (standars) - Traits (attitude, appearance, initiative) - Behaviors (leadership style, teamwork) - Competencies (knowledge, skills) - Goal achievement (results) - Improvement potential (emphasize future)
Responsibility for Appraisal - Immediate supervisor (most common choice) - Subordinates (difficulty if they are not honest bc of popularity) - Peers and team members (difficult for team members to critizie each other) - Self-appraisal - Customer appraisal (holds employees accountable)
Performance Period - prepared at specific intervals - usually annually or semi-anually - period may begin with employes date of hire - all employees may be evaluated at same time
Performance Appraisal methods - 360 Degree evaluation (input from multiple sources, more objective) - Rating scales (according to defined factors) - Critical incidents (record of good+bad work actions) - Essay (narrative) - Work standards - Ranking (overall performance) - Paired comparison - Forced distribution - Result based systems
Problems in Performance Appraisal - Appraiser discomfort - Lack of objectivity - halo/horn error - Leniency / strictness - central tendency - recent behavior bias - personal bias (stereotyping) - manipulationg the evaluation - Employee anxiety
Characteristics of effective appraisal system - job related criteria - performance expectations - standardization - Trained appraisers - continuous open communication - conduct performance reviews - due process
Legal implications of performance appraisal - Employee lawsuits may result from negative evaluations - Unlikely that any appraisal system will be immune to legal challenge
Conduction of Appraisal interview - use of praise and criticism - employee should go thorugh diary or files and make notes of all projects, appraisal manager should go through it well before review - employee should leave interview with positive feeling - interview should end with specific and mutually agreed-upon plans for employees development
Performance Appraisal affecte by country's culture - special problems when translated into different cultural environments - chinese managers might have different idea about performance than western managers - culture plays role in success and failure of performance appraisals in middle east
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