CMIS 351 Lesson 8 Networks and Collaboration


Training and Development Manager CMIS 351 Karteikarten am CMIS 351 Lesson 8 Networks and Collaboration, erstellt von Adriana Vincelli-Joma am 29/01/2020.
Adriana Vincelli-Joma
Karteikarten von Adriana Vincelli-Joma, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Adriana Vincelli-Joma
Erstellt von Adriana Vincelli-Joma vor mehr als 4 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Frage Antworten
Networks allow you to: -send/receive email -browse web pages stored across globe -download audio/video files -talk to people over phone
Collaboration -two or more people work together to achieve common goal -produces greater results than working alone -involves coordination and communication
Effectiveness of collaboration -communication skills and culture -communication systems -content management -workflow control
Computer network -collection of computers that communicate with one another over transmission media
LAN components -switch -Network Interface Card (NIC) -Media Access Control (MAC) address -unshielded twisted pair (UTP) cable -optical fiber cable -IEEE 802.3 (Ethernet) Protocol
switch -special-purpose computer that receives and transmits data across network
Network Interface Card (NIC) -hardware that connects device's circuitry to network cable -works together with programs in each device to implement Layers 1 and 2 of TCP/IT - OSI hybrid protocol
Media Access Control (MAC) address -permanent address given to each NIC at factory -enables device to access network via Level-2 protocol -no two NICs have same MAC address
Unshielded twisted pair (UTP) cable -connect computers, printers, switches, and other devices -four pairs of twisted wire -RJ-45 connector used to connect UTP cables into NIC devices
Optical fiber cable -connect computers, printers, switches, and other devices -signals are light rays reflected inside glass core -core surrounded by cladding to contain light signals -cladding wrapped with outer layer to protect it
IEEE 802.3 (Ethernet) Protocol -Ethernet protocol standard -specifies how messages are to be packaged and processed for transmission over LAN -operates at Layers 1 and 2 of TCP/IP - OSI architecture
10/100/1000 Ethernet -transmission rate of 10, 100, or 1000 Mbps -communications speeds expressed in bits -memory sizes expressed in bytes
WAN components -router -Internet Service Provider (ISP) -Hypertext transfer protocol (HTTP) -browser
router -special purpose computer that moves network traffic from one node on network to another -implement protocol for WANs
Internet Service Provider (ISP) -provides legitimate Internet address -serves as gateway to Internet -passes communications back and forth between user and Internet -pay for Internet -collect money from customers and pay access fees and other charges on users' behalf
-Hypertext transfer protocol (HTTP) -Layer-5 protocol used to process webpages
browser -program that processes HTTP protocol -receives, displays, and processes HTML documents -transmits responses
Alternatives for WAN -point-to-point lines -PSDN -virtual private network
Point-to-point lines -span geographically distributed sites -use lines provided by licensed communications vendors -expensive to set up and manage
Public-switched data network (PSDN) -lease time on public switched data network operated by independent party -ineffective for inter-company communication
Virtual private network (VPN) -secure private connection provides tunnel through internet -can support inter-company communication -secure, encrypted communications
Firewall -computing device that prevents unauthorized network access -located between firm's internal and external network -may be special-purpose computer/program or program on general-purpose computer/router
Search engine -tool used to search for info on Internet
Web Search Engine Requirments -way to collect URLS -method for storing/accessing URLs so they are searcheable
Web crawlers -software program that browses web in methodical way -finds URLs
Search engine indexing -organizes info. retrieved by crawlers
3-tier architecture of web applications -user tier -server tier -database tier
Network Layers -Layer 1 (Network Access Layer) -Layer 2 (Internet Layer) -Layer 3 (Transport Layer) -Layer 4 (Application Layer)
Layer 1 (Network Access Layer) -transmit data within single network
Layer 2 (Internet Layer) and Layer 3 (Transport Layer) -data transmission across an internet
Layer 4 (Application Layer) -protocols that help different applications interact with each other and person using computer
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