
Karteikarten am QUIZ ONE, erstellt von Theodore Edge am 12/02/2020.
Theodore Edge
Karteikarten von Theodore Edge, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Theodore Edge
Erstellt von Theodore Edge vor etwa 5 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Frage Antworten
Wood Parson Weeb's Fable 20th Century American Regionalist
Laocoon Greek Hellenistic
Manet Luncheon in the Grass French Impressionism
Hopper Nighthawks American Realism
Tomb of Nebamun Egyptian New Kingdom
Masaccio Tribute Money Italian Renaissance
Beauvais Cathedral France French Gothic
Saint Lazare France French Romanesque
Aachen Gospels Carolingian
Durer Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse Northern Renaissance
Augustus Caesar Roman Imperial
Ruben Lion Hunt Baroque
Tomb of Hesire Saqqara Eygptian Old Kingdom
Bronze Warrior Riace Greek Classical
Section of Beauvais Cathedral French Gothic
Plan of Beauvais Cathedral French Gothic
Pebble from South Africa 3,000,000 BCE
Palaeolithic 40,000-9,000 BCE
Woman of Willendorf Palaeolithic
Relief of Bison La Madeleine Palaeolithic
Painting Altamira Cave Palaeolithic
Painting Pech Merle Palaeolithic
Painting Lascaux Palaeolithic
Neolithic 8,000-2300 BCE
Reconstruction drawing of houses Catal Hoyuk Neolithic
Painting Catal Hoyuk Neolithic
Megalithic Tomb Newgrange, Ireland Neolithic
Stonehenge Neolithic
Decorated Beaker* Susa 4,000 BCE Prehistoric
Sumerian 3,500-2332 BCE Proto-literate & Early Dynastic
Proto-literate 3,500 BCE
White Temple Ziggurat, Uruk Proto-literate
Cyclinder Seal and Seal Impression Proto-literate
Head Uruk/Warka Proto-literate
Guenoll Lionness Proto-literate
Warka Vase Warka/Uruk Proto-literate
Early Dynastic 2900 BCE
Statues from Square Temple Eshnunna Early Dynastic
Victory Stele of Eannatum Early Dynastic
Standard of Ur Royal Cemetery, Ur Early Dynastic
Bull-Headed Lyre Royal Cemetery, Ur Early Dynastic
Cylinder seal of Pu-abi Royal Cemetery, Ur Early Dynastic
Akkadian 2332-2150 BCE
Head of Akkadian Ruler Akkadian
Victory Stele of Naram-Sin Susa Akkadian
Millet The Gleaners French Realism
Disk of Priestess of Nanna Akkadian
Neo-Sumerian 2150-1792 BCE
Ziggurat at Ur Neo-Sumerian
Statue of Gudea Neo Sumerian
Stele with code of Hammurabi Old Babylonian 1792-1750 BCE
Lion's Gate Hattsua Hittite 1600-1400 BCE
Queen Napir-Asu Elamite 1341-1300 BCE
Assyrian 9th-7th Century BCE
Citadel of Sargon II Dur Sharrukin Assyrian
Lamassu Citadel of Sargon II Assyrian
Ashurbanipal relief Assyrian
Ishtar Gate Babylon Neo-Babylionian late 7th Century BCE
Ceremonial Complex Persepolis, Persia Achaemenid 5th-late 4th century BCE
Relief of Shapur I Sasanian 3rd Century CE
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