

Functional Skills English Karteikarten am Sentences, erstellt von Lisa Few am 15/06/2020.
Lisa Few
Karteikarten von Lisa Few, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Lisa Few
Erstellt von Lisa Few vor mehr als 4 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Frage Antworten
What must a sentence begin with? A Capital Letter.
What must a sentence end with? A Full Stop, a Question Mark, or an Exclamation Mark.
A sentence can be a single word. True/False True.
A sentence must contain a subject and a verb. True/False False (Although it usually contains both).
What is a Declarative Sentence? Makes a statement or gives information. e.g. "The sky is blue".
What is an Imperative Sentence? Gives a command or instruction. e.g. "Shut the door".
What is an Interrogative Sentence? Asks a question. e.g. "Are you ready to go?"
What is an Exclamatory Sentence? Expresses strong emotion. e.g. "The birthday cake was so delicious!"
What is a Simple Sentence? Has one main clause, one subject and one verb. (One sentence that makes sense on its own). e.g. "She opened the door".
What is a Compound Sentence? Has two main clauses joined by a conjunction or a semicolon. (Would make sense if written as two separate sentences). e.g. "She was hot, so she opened the door". "She was hot; she opened the door".
What is a Complex Sentence? Has a main clause and a subordinate clause. (The main clause makes sense on its own, but the subordinate clause doesn't). e.g. The museum was very interesting, as I expected.
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