describe the furniture and items


describe each piece furniture and items of the home
Rosmery Veliz
Karteikarten von Rosmery Veliz, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Rosmery Veliz
Erstellt von Rosmery Veliz vor mehr als 4 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

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My chair is small. its brown
the bed is big and soft. Its white and black
The bookcase have many books and he is big. Its gray
In my desk have the computer, books, a lamp and pencils. its big and brown
My dressing room has tidy clothes. its clean and big
the mirror is medium, clean and cute. Its transparent
In the shower I bathe and clean my body. its medium and shiny
the sofa is cute, comfortable and I lie on it. its is big, black and gray
At the table we eat foods and it is clean. its also to do homework
we should not throw paper in the toilet and we must keep it clean.
I like my armchair because its small and comfortable. its dark blue
in the cabinets save kitchen utensils, dishes and food. its very big to store many thing.
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