Naming 4 basic notes and rests and their count values


Naming the notes and rests, their counts values, other names and what to say when clapping
Wesley Olivier
Karteikarten von Wesley Olivier, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Wesley Olivier
Erstellt von Wesley Olivier vor mehr als 4 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Frage Antworten
Semibreve note = 4 counts Taa-aa-aa-aa
Quaver note = 1/2 a count Ta-te
Crochet note = 1 count Taa
Minim note = 2 counts Taa - aa
Quaver rest = 1/2 count
Crochet rest = 1 count Saa
Minim rest = 2 counts Saa - aa
Semibreve rest = 4 counts Saa - aa - aa - aa
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