Frage | Antworten |
What are the factors that change with age | Strength Oxygen Capacity Suppleness Experience Skill Level Injury Recovery SOSESI |
Why is a gymnasts peak age around 15? | Because this is when they have the right balance of strength and flexible. Young = Flexible Older = Stronger |
What are the factors that differ between genders? | Metabolic Rate Maturity Rates Menstruation Physique Oxygen Capacity Power Suppleness |
What is competitive activity? | A contest or rivalry that requires high levels of commitment and focus to maximize potential. |
What is recreational activity? | Less demanding than competitive activity to provide amusement and relaxation |
What are the four types of disability? With examples... | Physical eg. broken bones Mental eg. bi-polar Temporary eg. sprain Permanent eg. blindness |
What facilities are needed to cater for disabilities? With examples... | ACCESS Automatic doors and ramps PARKING Wide bays near the entrance PROVISION Lifts to upper floors and disabled toilets |
What is pre season training? | Time before competition to develop fitness, skill and tactics |
What is peak season training? | Time to maintain optimal performance for the competition |
What is post season training? | Time for physical recovery and mental break from competition |
What are the environmental factors that affect training? | Weather - rain storms and wind Humidity - makes cooling the body hard Altitude - High altitude = air less dense Terrain - landscape like snow and coasts Pollution - Air born waste products |
How do you overcome environmental factors? | Travel to another environment Attend new facilities Change environment or clothing eg. studs on soft ground |
Define risk | The potential for injury or harm |
Define challenge | Test of skill, ability or mental toughness |
What are the reasons for participating in risky and challenging activity | Personal challenge Escapism |
What are the three somatotypes? | Mesomorph Ectomorph Endomorph |
What is a mesomorph and what are they good at? | Wide shoulders Narrow hips Lots of muscle, little fat Good at ring gymnastics |
What is an ectomorph and what are they good at? | narrow shoulders narrow hips little muscle, little fat Good at high jump because little weight |
What is an endomorph and what are they good at? | Narrow shoulders Wide hips Lots of fat, some muscle Good at sumo wrestling |
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