Erstellt von Sandro Silva
vor fast 10 Jahre
Frage | Antworten |
BRIBERY (noun) (1) S the giving or offering of a bribe | 1) Suborno - Mayor Price's term in office was marked by many cases of bribery and corruption. |
ACHIEVE (verb) (2) A, R a desired objective, level, or result by effort, skill ou courage | 1) Alcançar - Tony achieved his goal of becoming department head. 2) Realizar - There are many things I'd like to achieve. |
ISSUE (noun / verb) (2) Q, E, E, P noun - an important topic or problem for debate or discussion verb - supply or distribute (something). | 1) Questão - he ownership of the land is the main issue. 2) Edição - They printed a special issue of the book on high-quality paper 3) Emitir - They're going to issue new membership cards next month. 4) Publicar - He issued an apology for his remarks. |
ASSUME (verb) (2) A, S take on responsibility | 1) Assumir - The captain assumed command of the ship. 2) Supor - Many people assume that a tie indicates a person of authority. |
TAKE (verb) (4) T, L, P carry or bring with one. (go by: form of transport) ; (transport, carry); (require: time) | 1) Tomar - We take a taxi home at the end of the night. 2) Levar - He took the radio to his friend's house Levar - How long did you take to get there? 3) Pegar - She took the money and ran to the store |
TREND (noun) (1) T a general direction in which something is developing or changing | 1) Tendência - There is a trend towards better management here |
PLURAL (adjective) (1) P more than one in number | 1) Plural - The meanings of the text are plural |
WAY (noun) (3) C, M, M a method, style, or manner of doing something | 1) Caminho - Which way did you go to get here? 2) Maneira - The way to accelerate the project is to add staff. 3) Modo - How did he do it? In what way? |
AWAY (adverb) (4) L, A, E to or at a distance from a particular place, person or thing | 1) Longe - We are a long way away from Ireland, here. 2) Ausente - My father is not here, he is away in Chicago. 3) Embora - He walked away after he saw the price. 4) Para longe - He looked away when she started crying. |
BUSINESSLIKE (adj) (1) M systematic and practical | 1) Metódico - He alwasy so businesslike |
SCOLD skōld (verb) (1) R rebuke (someone) angrily. | 1) Repreender - Mom took Anna away, scolding her for her bad behavior |
REBUKE riˈbyo͞ok (verb) (1) C express sharp disapporval or criticism of someone because of their behavior or actions. | 1) Censurar - She had rebuked him for drinking too much |
CHASTISE CHasˈtīz (verb) (1) P rebuke or reprimand severly | 1) Punir - He chastised his colleagues for their laziness |
ROTTEN rätn (adjective) (1) P suffering from decay | 1) Podre - rotten eggs |
HANDSHAKE (noun) (1) A.M an act of shaking a perso's hand with one's own | 1) Aperto de mão - A firm handshake is the basic greeting |
SCISSORS (noun) (1) T an instrument used for cutting cloth, papers, etc. | 1) Tesoura - Briefly, at a signal, two opponents show each other one of their hands, with a pair of scissors . |
COULD (verb) (2) P, P used to indicate possibility. Past tense of can. Polite request. Ability | 1) - Podia - they could be right 2) Poderia - they could have told me! |
INTO (preposition) (3) P.D, D, E expressing a moviment or action with the result that someone or something becomes enclosed or surrounded by something else | 1) Para dentro - Come into my office. 2) Dentro (to the interior of) They looked into the case in great deta 3) Em - He got himself into trouble with his unkind remarks. |
SURROUND (verb) (2) C, R to enclose or circle around | 1) Cercar - The police surrounded the building. 2) Rodear - He is surrounded by good people |
ENCLOSE (verb) (2) A, I place (something) in an envelope together with a letter | 1) Anexar - I enclose a copy of the job description 2) Incluir - the entire estate was enclosed in this report |
SOME (pronoun) (1) A an unspecified number or amount of people or things | 1) Alguns - I ate some chocolates, but not many. |
ONLY (adverb) (2) A.S solely or exclusively | 1) Apenas - I only want a sandwich for lunch. 2) Somente - It'll only make things more complicated |
GET (preposition) (3) O, T, C, expressing a moviment with the result that something becomes enclosed | 1) Obter - We need to get some beer somewhere. 2) Ter - I got the impression that she wasn't happy 3) - Conseguir - I got an A in Spanish. |
EVEN (verb, adv, adj) (6) N/E, M/A, A/E (verb) to make it equal or it level (adv) - surprising or extreme (adj) - flat and smooth | 1) nivelar / equilibrar (verb) - They used a roller to even the lawn. 2) mesmo / ainda (adv) - He didn't leave her even after all she had said / I feel even worse than I look. 3) Alinhador / Empatar (adj) - You should hang the curtain so that it's even with the top of the window. / She was winning a moment ago but now they're even. |
MOST (adj, adv, noun) (3) M, M, M adjective - the majority or the greatest ammount, degree or size. adverb - the highest or greatest level noun - the greatest number of something | 1) Mais - The teacher likes him the most. 2) Maior - Most of the soup has been eaten. 3) Maioria - Most flowers are pretty. |
MAY (verb) (1) P expressing possibility or permission | 1) Poder - I may be able to go to the beach this week. / May I have a drink, please? |
ANY (adj / noun) (3) N, Q, A (adj) - quantity used in place of some or one. Refers to a selections os several things. (pro) - can be used to refers in vague terms to a person or people | 1) Nenhum - It is not more necessary any bread 2) Qualquer - I'll watch any film. I'm not fussy. 3) Algum - Do you have any bread? |
COME (verb) (1) V to move closer to the resquester | 1) Vir - Come here and read this. |
THESE (adj / pro) (2) E, D adjective - designed things or person pronoun - more than one of this | 1) Estes - These shoes are my favourites. 2) Destes - I like these the best. |
HANDLE (verb) (2) C, L feel or manipulate with the hands | 1) Controlar - She handled all the finances for the family. 2) - Lidar - Can you handle all the plates, or should I help you? |
SO (adv / conj) (4) T/A, P/L adverb - to such a great extend; conjunction - for this reason, therefore | 1) Assim / Tão - He was so mad, that he forgot to eat dinner. Por isso / logo - I'm hungry, so I'm going to get something to eat. |
OVER (prep / adverb) (2) S, A preposition - above, on top, adverb - expressing passage or trajectory across an area | 1) Sobre - he leaned over and tapped me on the hand 2) Acima - The little picture is over the gilt mirror. |
ABOUT (prep / adv) (2) S, C (approxiamtelly) preposition - on the subject of concerning adverb - means almost, something close or approximate | 1) Sobre - What do you think about the president's speech 2) Cerca de (apporximately) - There were about fifteen people in our tour group. |
MUST (verb/adv) (2) D, T be obliget to should (expressing necessity) strong recomendation | 1) Ter de - You must get a new driving licence. 2) Dever - I'm not sure how much, but I must drink over three glasses of water a day. |
THAN (conjunction) (1) - D.q, Q way to introduce the second part or compare | 1) Do que - She is smarter than he is / 2) Que - I would rather sing than dance |
RAISE (verb / noun) (3) A, E, L to move or lift something. to increse amount os something | 1) Aumentar - The landlord raised the rent by one hundred dollars a month. 2) Elevar - We raised the beach umbrella price for five dolars 3) Levantar - We raised five thousand dollars for the charity. |
WHOLE (adjective) (3) C.I.T. something is complete or the entire amount | 1) Completo - he spent the whole day walking 2) Inteiro - Don't worry about having dropped the plate, it's still whole. 3) Todo - We have paid the whole amount. |
EFFORTLESS (adjective) (1) S showing virtually no effort | 1) Sem esforço - He went up the steps in two effortless bounds |
DEEPLY (adverb) (1) P to a deep extend | 1) Profundamente - She got so deeply involved in the case that it began to affect her personal relationships. |
DRAWBACK (noun) (2) D, I A disadvantage or inconvenience | 1) Desvantagem / inconveniente - the main drawback of fitting catalytic converters is the cost |
FEATURE (noun) (1) (C) a distinctive attribute or aspect of something. | 1) - Caracteristica - A feature of English is that there are no genders. |
WONDER (noun) (3) A/E, M A feeling of surprise mingled with admiration, caused by something beautiful, unexpected, unfamiliar, or inexplicable. | 1) Admira / Espanto - No wonder he didn't want to bring her here. 2) Maravilha - The waterfall is one of the wonders of the modern world. |
SLIGHT (adjective) (1) L adj - small in degree; | 1) Leve - After a slight hesitation they have decided go to the party |
LENGHT (noun) (2) C, D the extent of something, especially as a unit of measurement, in particular. | 1 - Comprimento - What is the lenght of the table; 2 - Duração - It takes a substancial lenght of time to walk to the shops |
PROPER (adjective) (3) A, A, P truly what something is said or regarded to be; genuine | 1 - Adequado - Her short dress was not proper clothing for church; 2 - Apropriado - The same example above; 3 - Próprio - The same example above; |
LAY (verb) (1) P Put down, especially gently or carefully. (place horizontally) | 1) Pôr - He usually lays the plans on the table. |
ANYONE (pronoun) (1) Q any person or people. | 1) Qualquer um - Anyone who wants a driving licence has to take a test. |
PAIN (noun) (1) D physical suffering or discomfort caused by illness or injury. | 1) Dôr - He had a pain in his leg after the game. |
SHAPE ( noun / verb ) (2) F, D.f The outline of an area or figure / To mold something or someone | 1) Forma - The candy was in the shape of an egg. 2) Dar forma - He shaped the clay to form a pot. |
MANNER (noun) (1) M a way in which a thing is done or happens. | 1) Maneira - In what manner do you do that task? |
FIT (verb) (2) C, S to adjust or make appropriate for things and clothes | 1) Caber - That table does not fit in the small room. 2) Servir - Does this shirt fit you, or is it too big? |
ACCOMPLISH (verb) (1) R achieve or complete successfully | 1) Realizar - The planes accomplished their mission |
OUTCOME (verb) (1) R The way a thing turns out a consequence. | 1) - Resultado - This was the outcome of my leading team |
DELIGHTED (adj) (2) E, S feeling or showing great pleasure. | 1) Encantado - Mom was delighted with my girlfriend 2) Satisfeito - She should have been delighted instead of feeling frustrated. |
EXHILARATING (adjective) (1) E making one feel very happy, animated, or elated; thrilling. igˈziləˌrātiNG | 1) Emocionante - an exhilarating two-hour rafting experience |
LEISURE (noun) (1) L/T.l free time | 1) Lazer/Tempo Livre - You may finish the job at your leisure. |
PLENTY (pronoun) (1) F/A/M a large or sufficient amount or quantity; more than enough | 1) Folga / Abundância / Muito - I have plenty of time for outside interests and hobbies. |
FOND (Adjective) (1) A having an affection or liking for. fänd | 1) Apaixonado - I'm very fond of my new job. |
KEEN (Adjective) (1) E having or showing enthusiasm. | 1) Entusiasmado - He's really keen to come and see you |
ANYWAY (Adverb) (2) (D.q.m/ M.a) used to confirm or support a point or idea just mentioned. | 1) De qualquer maneira - Right, I don't know if this is the right place for this question, but anyway … 2) Mesmo assim - Nobody invited Miss Honey to sit down so she sat down anyway |
ADVICE (noun) (1) C/R guidance or recommendations concerning prudent future action, typically given by someone regarded as knowledgeable or authoritative. | 1) CONSELHO - My parents give me some advice about my life |
GOAL (noun) (1) M/O the object of a person's ambition or effort; an aim or desired result. | 1) Metas - One of the goals of this site is to help people learn languages |
STRENGTH (noun) (1) F the quality or state of being strong, in particular. | 1) Força - The strength of the economy reduced unemployment. |
COVER (verb) (1) C put something such as a cloth or lid on top of or in front of (something) in order to protect or conceal it. | 1) Cobrir - Does the cost of this ticket cover government fees, too? |
AMONG (prep) (1) E/D The definition of among is being in a group things, usually more than two, or being part of a group. | 1) Entre / Dentre - We saw lots of old friends at the parade -- among others, our former neighbors. |
ACTUALLY (adv) (1) N.v as the truth or facts of a situation; really. | 1) Na verdade - My last name looks German, but actually, it's Dutch |
DISCLOSE (verb) (1) D make (secret or new information) known. | 1) Divulgar - they disclosed her name to the press |
SWEAR (verb) (1) J is to make a promise | 1) Jurar - Maria made me swear I would never tell anyone |
WEAKNESS (noun) (1) F the state or condition of lacking strength. | 1) Fraqueza - the country's weakness in international dealings |
REWARD (noun/verb) (1) R a thing given in recognition of one's service, effort, or achievement. | 1) Recompensa - A valuable reward was offered to the winner of the contest. |
WORTHWHILE (adj) (1) V.a.p worth the time, money, or effort spent; of value or importance. | 1) Valer a pena - extra lighting would make a worthwhile contribution to road safety |
WORTH (noun) (1) V the value equivalent to that of someone or something under consideration; the level at which someone or something deserves to be valued or rated. | 1) Valer - That house is not worth the price that they are asking. |
DULL (adjctive) (2) M,T someone who is stupid or boring or something that is not shiny or something that is not sharp. | 1) Maçante - After an hour of uninteresting conversation, Melanie concluded the text was dull. 2) Tedioso - The thesis was so dull that I fell asleep reading it. |
ATTEMPT (noun / verb) (2) T.A make an effort to achieve or complete (something, typically a difficult task or action). | 1) Tentativa - There will be a fresh attempt to break the record this year. 2) Atentar - There was an attempt on the President of USA. Please tell him to attempt his life |
BADGE (noun) (1) C/E a distinctive emblem worn as a mark of office, membership, achievement, licensed employment, etc.. baj | 1) Crachá/Emblema - On the first day of new job we all wore badges with our names on |
MAD (adjective) (1) L mentally ill; insane | 1 - Louco - he felt as if he were going mad |
ENGAGED (adjective) (2) N, C having formally agreed to marry | 1 - Noivo - When a couple becomes engaged, a ring is offered by the young man 2 - Comprometido - The company was engaged in negotiations with view to a possible merger. |
AROUSE - V (1) D awaken (someone) from sleep. | 1) Despertar (v) - she had been aroused by the telephone - it hasn´t aroused my interest yet. |
MAJOR (noun) (1) E specialize in (a particular subject) at a college or university. | 1) Especializaçoes - I have been thinking about changing my major - The most popular majors at this university are English, commerce, and economics. |
EVERY (adjective) 2 C, T used to refer to all the individual members of a set without exception. | 1) Cada - Every child must learn how to read. 2) Todo - They visit their grandparents every two weeks. |
WHICH (Pronoun) (3) Q, Qs, Used to ask or talk about a choice between two or more things. Asking for information specifying one or more people or things from a definite set. | 1) Que - The monkey, which the zookeeper selected from the tribe, was very friendly. 2) Qual - Which colour do you like best? Blue or red? |
APPROACH (Verb) (2) A, A come near or nearer to (someone or something) in distance. | 1) Aproximar - The deadline for this project is quickly approaching. 2) Abordar - The boxer approached his opponent carefully. |
FARE (noun) (1) T the money a passenger on public transportation has to pay. | 1) Tarifa - Last week the bus fare was $ 1.80 |
UNLESS (conjuction) (1) (a.M.q) except if (used to introduce a case in which a statement being made is not true or valid). | 1) a menos que - Let's go to the shop now, unless you have a better idea. |
GUESS (verb) (3) A, A, estimate or suppose (something) without sufficient information to be sure of being correct. | 1) Advinhar - He finally guessed the correct number of sweets in the jar. 1) Achar - I guess he wants to go camping, but I'm not sure. |
AFFORD (v) (2) (3) A, P, P-se have enough money to pay for. | 1 - Arcar - We can't afford a large house. 2 - Pagar - the best that I could afford was a first-floor room 3 - Permitir-se - the rooftop terrace affords beautiful views |
AWAKE (adjective) (1) A not asleep. | 1) - Acordado - the noise might keep you awake at night |
SOMEONE (pronoun) (1) A an unknown or unspecified person; some person. Is more formal than somebody | 1) - Alguém - there's someone at the door |
SOMEBODY (pronoun) used to refer a person who is not known or specified. In most contexts, they are interchangeable. | 1) - Alguém - I'd like to be somebody |
BEARD (noun) (1) B a growth of hair on the chin and lower cheeks of a man's face | 1 - Barba - he had a black beard 1 - Barba - Santa Claus has a full beard and moustache. |
LET (verb) (2) D, P not prevent or forbid; allow. | 1 - Deixar - Let me know the answer when you find out. 2 - Permitir - My wife let me go out with the guys last night. |
STREAM (noun / verb) (2) C, T noun - a small, narrow river. verb - play video on music (audio or video content), especially over the Internet | 1 - Córrego - A stream flows behind their house. 2 - Transmitir - The video streamed from the website to my computer for 45 minutes. |
SALTY (Adjective) (1) S tasting of, containing, or preserved with salt. | 1 - Salgado - Don't worry about the sea salt making it too salty ; the skin protects the fish well against this. |
BLESS (verb) (1) A pronounce words in a religious rite, to confer or invoke divine favor upon; ask God to look favorably on. | 1 - Abençoar - My brother Ralph, bless his soul, lost a son to the system after a divorce. |
SOUL (noun) (1) A immortal part of a person | 1 - Alma - When you die, your soul goes to heaven. |
HEAVEN (noun) (1) C religion: God's place | 1 - Céu - She died and went to heaven. |
TEND (verb) (1) T be inclined to | 1 - Tender - Digital music is cool, but people tend to download it illegally. |
Loaded I have worked in a place loaded of histories. | Carregado |
Under the dictadorship She is from North Korea. She has lived in place under the dictadorship. | Ditadura |
Damaged The damage to the truck was extensive. | Dano / Estrago / Sofreu |
Due to Due to its great potential, she has been for her position in the company. | Por ter / Devido a |
Was held The party was held to celebrate the return of our boss. He has been to the company. | Foi feito / Foi realizado |
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