Introduction to veterinary technology


Key terms
Brittany Chenier
Karteikarten von Brittany Chenier, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Brittany Chenier
Erstellt von Brittany Chenier vor mehr als 3 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

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House soiling Urinating or defecating inside the house.
Territorial Prone to defining and defending areas of sleep, eating, exercising, and play.
Spraying Staining vertical surfaces with strong-smelling urine.
Postpartuition Period of time after giving birth to offspring.
Behaviorism The ethological approach that behavior is learned rather than genetically programmed.
Classical conditioning The type of conditioned learning that associates stimuli occurring at approximately the same time or roughly the same area.
Classical ethology The etiological approach asserting that much of animal know is instinct or innate.
Conditioned Stimulus Sensory input unrelated to simple reflex behavior.
Ethology The study of animal behavior.
Evolution The scientific theory characterizes that all related organisms as descended from common ancestors.
Fixed Action Patterns A term used by early ethologists to describe stereotypical or predictable behaviors of a species.
Function In ethological terms, Survival Value
Innate Instinct
Instinct A combination of unlearned responses characteristics of a species.
Natural selection The process that awards survival and reproduction success to individuals and groups best adjusted to their environment.
Naturalists Natural scientists
Nature-Nurture Controversy The crux of two opposing schools: classical ethology, which views animal behavior as primarily instinctive, and animal psychology, which views animal instinct as learned.
Unconditioned Stimulus Sensory input that produces a simple reflex behavior.
Unconditioned Response A simple reflex behavior.
Stimulus-Response Theory The psychological school stating that all complex forms of behaviors, including emotions, thoughts, and habits, are complex muscular and glandular responses that can be observed and measured.
Sociobiology The study of biological bases or social behavior.
Operant Functioning or tending to produce effects.
Operant Conditioning The type of conditioned learning that associates a certain activity, known as operant, with punishment or reward.
Dance A complex pattern of movements performed by a bee that direct other bees to a food source.
Imprinting The acquisition in the very young of certain fixed action patterns.
Instrumental learning Learning by trial and error.
Social Behavior The ways individuals of the same species interact with one another.
Sensitive period A specific stage in an animal's young life when imprinting occurs.
Recognition of Individuals The process that allows animals to distinguish their place in social content broader than their relationship with primary caregivers.
Socialization The process of adapting to contact with others.
Behavior modification program Training courses that use reward and reprimand to stimulate changes in behavior.
Habituation The process of learning certain objects and events have little bearing on survival value and thus can be ignored.
Breaking Litter Box Training When a cat urinates or defecates outside some other place than its litter box.
Wobble A training maneuver to direct a bird by abruptly dropping the hand is perched upon.
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