Chapter 8 (Arrays)


Computer Science Karteikarten am Chapter 8 (Arrays), erstellt von Andrew Lewis am 14/12/2020.
Andrew Lewis
Karteikarten von Andrew Lewis, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Andrew Lewis
Erstellt von Andrew Lewis vor etwa 4 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Frage Antworten
This appears in an array declaration and specifies the number of elements the array can hold. Size Declarator
To make programs easier to maintain, many programmers use these to specify the size of an array. Named Constants
This is an individual storage location in an array. Element
This is a number that identifies a storage location in an array. Subscript
This is typically the first subscript in an array. [0]
This is typically the last subscript in an array. [arraySize - 1]
This algorithm uses a loop to step through each element of an array, starting with the first element, searching for a value. The search stops when the item is found or when then end of the array has been reached. Sequential Search Algorithm
Many programming languages perform this, which means they do not allow a program to use an invalid array subscript. It happens typically during runtime. Array Bounds Checking
This term describes two or more arrays that hold related data and the related elements in each array are accessed with a common subscript. Parallel Arrays
You typically think of a two-dimensional array as containing _____ and _____. Rows / Columns
Tool specifically designed for storing and processing lists of data. Processing a large number of items in this tool is usually easier than processing a large number of items stored in separate variables. Array
A series of values separated with commas used to initialize an array is known as an _____. The values are stored in the order that they were initialized as. Initialization List
Mistake that occurs when a loop iterates one time too many or one too few. Off-by-One Error
Various techniques used to locate a specific item in a large collection of data, such as an array. Search Algorithms
Arrays that can hold only one set of data. One-Dimensional Arrays
Arrays that can hold multiple sets of data. They are like several identical arrays put together. Two-Dimensional Arrays
True/False: Some programming languages use parentheses instead of brackets for array declarations. True
Subscripts are also known as _____. Indexes
The "_____" loop can simplify array processing when your task is simply to step through an array, retrieving the value of each element. For Each
Can you store a mixture of data types in an array? No, all data types must be the same as the data type declared with the array.
True/False: In most languages, the size of an array be changed while the program is running. False
How do you look for a partial string match when searching an array of strings for a value? You use a function similar to the "contains" function which returns true if a string is found inside another string, or false otherwise.
What two parameters do you assign a module/function in order to accept an array as an argument? A parameter that accepts an array of the specified data type as an argument. (Example: Integer array[]) A parameter that accepts an Integer that specifies the number of elements in the array. (Example: Integer arraySize)
True/False: Unlike a one-dimensional array, a two-dimensional array requires two size declarators when being declared. One for the number of rows and the other for the number of columns. True
True/False: You can do many things with arrays, but you can't pass one as an argument to a module or a function. False: You can pass an array to a module/function by having two parameters that accept both the array and the array's size.
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