Protestant Reformation and Counter Reformation


This is flashcards on the Reformation.
Karteikarten von taramcconnell, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Erstellt von taramcconnell vor fast 10 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Frage Antworten
What are the three examples of Protestant religion? Presbyterians, Anglican, and and Lutheran
What are some examples of non-Chrstian religions? Buddhism, Confucianism, Falun Gong, Hinduism, Islam, Jehovah's Witness, Jainism, Judaism, Scientology, Seventh Day Adventist, Shintoism, and Taoism.
What is heresy? Heresy is when you go against the beliefs of your Church.
What is simony? Simony is the practice where people can buy a position in the Church and collect the salary without performing the services.
What is nepotism? Nepotism is the practice where the Church can give jobs to relatives even when these family members were unqualified and undeserving.
Who is John Hus? John Hus was a reformer against the Church who criticized the Catholic Church. Because of this, the Church condemned him and burned him at the stake.
Who was John Wycliffe? John Wycliffe was a reformer who criticized the Church. However, he was not killed because he had the noble's support.
Who was Erasmus? Erasmus was a humanist who criticized the Church. He wrote books that criticized the Church.
What was the punishment for the crime of heresy? An offender of heresy was excommunicated from the Church.
What was an indulgence? An indulgence was a paid cancellation for sins.
Who was Johann Tetzel? He was the one who brought indulgences to the world. His famous line is “ As soon as the coin from the coffer rings; a soul from purgatory springs”
Who was Johann Tetzel in oppositon to? Martin Luther and Martin Luther's followers.
What were some of Martin Luther's ideas for his Ninety Five Theses? The Church should get rid of indulgences, who can interpret the Bible, who can be a priest, the authority of the Pope, and how a person gets to heaven.
What was Pope Leo's X's bull? An official order from the Pope with his lead seal, called a bull, attached.
What was the diet of worms? An assembly in the city of Germany that was called by the Roman Catholic Church to deal with Martin Luther.
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