Erstellt von taramcconnell
vor fast 10 Jahre
Frage | Antworten |
What are the three examples of Protestant religion? | Presbyterians, Anglican, and and Lutheran |
What are some examples of non-Chrstian religions? | Buddhism, Confucianism, Falun Gong, Hinduism, Islam, Jehovah's Witness, Jainism, Judaism, Scientology, Seventh Day Adventist, Shintoism, and Taoism. |
What is heresy? | Heresy is when you go against the beliefs of your Church. |
What is simony? | Simony is the practice where people can buy a position in the Church and collect the salary without performing the services. |
What is nepotism? | Nepotism is the practice where the Church can give jobs to relatives even when these family members were unqualified and undeserving. |
Who is John Hus? | John Hus was a reformer against the Church who criticized the Catholic Church. Because of this, the Church condemned him and burned him at the stake. |
Who was John Wycliffe? | John Wycliffe was a reformer who criticized the Church. However, he was not killed because he had the noble's support. |
Who was Erasmus? | Erasmus was a humanist who criticized the Church. He wrote books that criticized the Church. |
What was the punishment for the crime of heresy? | An offender of heresy was excommunicated from the Church. |
What was an indulgence? | An indulgence was a paid cancellation for sins. |
Who was Johann Tetzel? | He was the one who brought indulgences to the world. His famous line is “ As soon as the coin from the coffer rings; a soul from purgatory springs” |
Who was Johann Tetzel in oppositon to? | Martin Luther and Martin Luther's followers. |
What were some of Martin Luther's ideas for his Ninety Five Theses? | The Church should get rid of indulgences, who can interpret the Bible, who can be a priest, the authority of the Pope, and how a person gets to heaven. |
What was Pope Leo's X's bull? | An official order from the Pope with his lead seal, called a bull, attached. |
What was the diet of worms? | An assembly in the city of Germany that was called by the Roman Catholic Church to deal with Martin Luther. |
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