Vocabulary unit 2


English Karteikarten am Vocabulary unit 2, erstellt von starantoniostar am 22/10/2013.
Karteikarten von starantoniostar, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Erstellt von starantoniostar vor mehr als 11 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Frage Antworten
Adjourn to stop proceedings temporarily; move to another place
Alien a citizen of another country; foreign, strange
Comely having a pleasing appearence
Compensate to make up for; to repay for services
Dissolute loose in one's morals or behavior
Erratic not regular or consistent; different from what is ordinarily accepted; undependable
Expulsion the process of driving or forcing out
feint a deliberately deceptive movement; a pretense; to make a pretense of
Fodder food for horses or cattle; raw material for a designated purpose
Fortify to strengthen; to build up
Illegible difficult or impossible to read
Jeer to make fun of rudely or unkindly; a rude remark of derision
Lucrative bringing in money; profitable
Mediocre average; ordinary; undistinguished
Proliferate to reproduce; to increase; to spread rapidly
Subjugate to conquer by force; to bring under complete control
Sully to soil, stain, tarnish, defile, or besmirch
Tantalize to tease; to torment by teasing
Terse brief and to the point
Unflinching firm; showing no signs of fear; not drawing back
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