Burgering 101


Karteikarten am Burgering 101, erstellt von Sarah Jones am 14/05/2021.
Sarah Jones
Karteikarten von Sarah Jones, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Sarah Jones
Erstellt von Sarah Jones vor fast 4 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Frage Antworten
Grill Scraper - Used to clean the grill of burger debris by scraping the sharp edge along the flat top. Always make sure the blade is not chipped as this will damage our grill and make the scraper very dangerous to use
Chrome Top Grill - Used to cook the patties on
Burger spatulas- Used to transfer patties or flip patties
Burger Smasher - Used to smash our beef balls into a patty
Flat Top Lid - Used to let an ingredient cook faster by trapping in the heat
Shallow Hotel Pan - Used to store the beef balls underneath the grill or in the walk-in fridge
Shallow Hotel Pan with Perforated Tray - Used to store chicken underneath the grill or in the walk-in fridge
Chicken Timer - Used to time cooking of chicken
RED Meat Tongs - Used to handle raw meat. There should always be two red tongs on-line at all times for both handling raw chicken and raw beef. Red Tongs should never touch cooked meat.
BLUE Meat Tongs - Used to handle cooked meat. Never pick up raw meat using blue tongs.
Meat thermometer - Used to take temperatures of our meat to ensure our food is cooked thoroughly. There will be two meat thermometers in your store: a black thermometer meant for beef and a red thermometer meant for chicken
Meat Mallet - Used to pound chicken to get all our chickens the same thickness for consistent chicken cooking
Chicken Fryer- Set at 350°F. Used to cook our chicken
Beyond Beef Burger Smash - Used to smash beyond beef patties. CANNOT be used on regular burger patties
Beyond Meat Pan - This may vary from store to store as some locations cook Beyond patties on a pan on the grill rather than a separate burner. This pan should never have meat in it as it's purpose is to avoid cross-contamination
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