Frage | Antworten |
Porites asteroides Mustard Yellow to Brown. Medium-sized boulders, possibly slightly fuzzy if the polyps are out. Coralites are small in size and close together. polyps don't portrude | |
Grafik (binary/octet-stream)
Siderastrea radians The holes are on the surface and look a bit like a (official term!) cat's anus. Sid. siderea holes in comparison are slightly recessed. |
Sidsid (binary/octet-stream)
Siderastrea siderea Basically looks like a lump of clay which someone pricked with a pencil. The holes are generally rounder and have neater edges than Sid. radians. |
Stephanocoenia intersepta Dark polyps/coralites (with white/green centre) on a bright background. Looks a bit like Cheerios in a bowl of milk! | |
Montastraea cavernosa Very fleshy, large polyps which are pretty distinct from each other | |
Orbicella faveolata Up-close the polyps/coralites of the Orbicella genus look a bit like small volcanos. This species has a continuous coverage of the underlying rock, looking like a sheet spread over a lumpy surface | |
Orbicella faveolata Up-close the polyps/coralites of the Orbicella genus look a bit like small volcanos. This species has a continuous coverage of the underlying rock, looking like a sheet spread over a lumpy surface | |
Orbicella franksi Up-close the polyps/coralites of the Orbicella genus look a bit like small volcanos. This species also covers the underlying rock continuosly. Unlike faveolata, the tips of it's lumps are bright | |
Favia fragum Small in size with generally rounded holes. Somewhat similar in appearance to D. stokesii, but is usually not as large and the "mouths" of the holes don't portrude. | |
Dichocoenia stokesii Has elongated holes with slightly portruding edges. Usually larger in size than Favia fragum | |
Solenastrea bournoni colonies are found on the sand or "fore reef" (rather than on the reef itslef), corralite rims portrude. Smooth dome with some irregular bulges | |
Solenastrea hyades colonies are found on the sand or "fore reef" (rather than on the reef itslef), corralite rims portrude. Wide base with pinched waist, some irregular knobs on surface | |
Diploria labyrinthiformis Has double ridges which are separated by a shallow groove. These ridge pairs are in turn separated by deeper grooves | |
Pseudodiploria strigosa Similar to Diploria lab., but only has a single ridge separated by a single groove. Forms a smooth dome with regular-pattern labyrinth | |
Pseudodiploria clivosa Similar to Diploria lab., but only has a single ridge separated by a single groove. Has a more irregular surface than P. strigosa, which also has lumps. Less regular pattern. | |
Colpophyllia natans Labyrinthiform-ridges. Notable: Ridges have a "zipper-like" appearance, with a seam running down the middle of them. A slightly less pronounced "zipper" can usually also be seen in the valleys. | |
Manicina areolata one continuous ridge running along outside. small in size | |
Mmea (binary/octet-stream)
Meandrina meandrites thick ridges with very pronounced septa. no visible separation between ridges, no valley space visible |
Meandrina jacksoni thick ridges with very pronounced septa. some separation between ridges, valley space visible and white colour | |
Dendrogyra cylindrus distinctive fuzzy tower-like appearance | |
Mycetophyllia lamarckiana Mycetophyllia spp: like a meadow surrounded by fence. flat-ish lamarckiana: "lame that mark and ana have no sheep" => no white/red spots (can have pale spots) | |
Mycetophyllia aliciae Mycetophyllia spp: like a meadow surrounded by fence. flat-ish aliciae: "alice has loads of sheep" => white spots | |
Mycetophyllia ferox Mycetophyllia spp: like a meadow surrounded by fence. flat-ish ferox: "the feral wolf killed all the sheep, leaving the fields bloody" => red spots | |
Isophyllia sinuosa hemisphere. thick, fleshy ridges with slight groove running down the centre of them. labyrinth of ridges | |
Isophyllia rigida hemisphere. thick, fleshy ridges with slight groove running down the centre of them. looks like rock with net thrown over it. | |
Eusmilia fastigiata looks like bouquet of flowers individual polyps have long stems and portruding septa at the head | |
Mussa angulosa thick-walled fleshy rings with distinct spaces in between them | |
Scolymia spp thick, fleshy walled single-polyp colonies. look a bit like disk-shaped flowers | |
Helioseris cucullata "Like helicopter over water" => distinct waves raditing out from a point toward edges. "lines" on those ridges point toward centre | |
Agaricia fragilis small coral plate with upturned edges (which are often white in colour) agaricia-pattern visible but less pronounced | |
Agaricia lamarcki distinctive "Agaricia" pattern. has WHITE (not just pale) polyps which look like very pronounced stars | |
Agaricia agaricites distinctive "Agaricia" pattern. agaricites has long "troughs" in which multiple polyps are located. Can have many differnt growth forms. | |
Agaricia tenuifolia distinctive Agaricia pattern. Grows in thin sheets which together look like a head of lettuce | |
Agaricia humilis Also has a rather distinct Agaricia-pattern. Unlike agaricites, humilis has no "throughs" with multiple polyps. Instead, polyps are located in single (or few) holes surrounded by distinct edges | |
Acropora cervicornis Coral with coarse-looking surface (polyps cylindrical in shape). Grows in long branches, which look like a shrub or treebranches. | |
Acropora palmata Usually large, with coarse surface (polyps cylindrical in shape). "Branches" are flat and have a vaguely palm-frond-esque shape | |
Acropora prolifera hybrid of stahorn and elkhorn Multiple shorter branches growing out of a single node. Those branches are closer together than in cervicornins. (also here polyps cylindrical in shape) | |
Madracis auretenra form dome-like outline with "fingers", which are all very similar in length. small, portruding polyps | |
Madracis decactis look like a number of small potatoes close together. small, portruding polyps | |
Madracis spp. small, portruding polyps. many growth patterns | |
Oculina diffusa long, thin branches of pale colour with portruding polyps rare | |
Porites spp not as regular in shape as M. auretenra, polyps don't portrude | |
Porites spp not as regular in shape as M. auretenra, polyps don't portrude | |
Porites spp not as regular in shape as M. auretenra, polyps don't portrude | |
Millepora alcicornis Fire coral! Very distinctive coloration. Alcicornis can predate other corals/structures and take many different forms. Millepora can hybridize | |
Millepora complanata distinctive coloration. Has flat "blades" of coral, with little to no crossing of blades Millepora can hybridize | |
Millepora striata distinctive coloration. also has flat blades of coral, but these cross, giving a convoluted appearance. Millepora can hybridize | |
Millepora squarrosa Distinctive coloration, but more diminuitive than other forms of Millepora. Has small ridges which cross and form square-like shapes. | |
Stylaster roseus Usually flat bush/tree-like appearance, purple to pink in colour | |
Orbicella annularis Up-close the polyps/coralites of the Orbicella genus look a bit like small volcanos. This species forms "islands" of colonies, rather than a continuous sheet. |
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