soc sci test on lessons 1-3


for all of you ac Stelle Bostrom students who need a desperate review
Lara Berkus
Karteikarten von Lara Berkus, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Lara Berkus
Erstellt von Lara Berkus vor mehr als 3 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Frage Antworten
what two rivers ran through the fertile crescent? the Tigris river and the Euphrates river
What materials were ancient homes built out of in the neolithic times? mud, sticks, and stones
during the paolthicic times, what did the people eat and how did they get it? people hunted and gathered meat, nuts, fruits, and fungus to eat.
when did the neolithic period start? around 8000 BCE
what did people trade for in the neolithic era? obsidian, hematite, shells, and other resources that they needed.
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