Political Ideologies flashcard


Karteikarten am Political Ideologies flashcard, erstellt von Amirah Omar am 27/09/2021.
Amirah Omar
Karteikarten von Amirah Omar, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Amirah Omar
Erstellt von Amirah Omar vor etwa 3 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

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Liberalism: Ideology places a high priority on political and economic freedom Politics: Create the maximum degree of liberty such as free speech, the right of association, and basic political rights. *Goal: State and limited degree of autonomy * Reason : states controlled or checked by the public for ensuring individual rights
Liberal Democracy: A system of political, social, and economic liberties supported by competition, participation, and contestation such as voting Left alone: Not all succeed and economic inequality will exist between the wealthiest and the poorer. * High degree of freedom: Greatest amount of general prosperity
Communism: Differs greatly from liberalism in its view of freedom and equality. * Enshrines individual freedom over equality: Rejection of personal freedom ensure prosperity *Struggle over economic resources in liberal society * Small group: Dominate market and state using wealth to control *Liberal: Bourgeois democracy (rich)
Social Democracy/ Socialism: Draws from ideas connected both communism and liberalism to form its own distinct ideology. * Private ownership and market forces and economic equality *State and strong capacity w/autonomy: Greater equality thru policies ex: medical care, retirement, and higher education * Limit freedom: regulation or taxation
Fascism: Hostile to the idea of individual freedom and rejects notion of equality. * inferiority and superiority--hierarchy * organic whole, a single living body, and state--vital to express national will.
Anarchism: Departs from other ideologies quite drastically. Differs over how powerful the state should be. * Rejects the notion of the state altogether. * Private property leads to inequality and opposed that state can solve this problem. * Individual freedom and equality achieved: eliminating the state entirely. * Without state: Cooperate freely as true equals * State: Threat to freedom and equality rather than as their champion.
Political Ideologies: Sets of political values held by individuals regarding the fundamental goals of politics. * Concerned with the ideal relation between freedom and equality and proper role of political institutions in achieving or maintaining this relation.
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