Social 10-Notes 1-2


Flashcards on Social 10-Notes 2, created by Josie Sorensen on 15/09/2015.
Josie Sorensen
Karteikarten von Josie Sorensen, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Josie Sorensen
Erstellt von Josie Sorensen vor etwa 9 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Frage Antworten
What is slang? Collection of terms used by members of a social collective.
What is jargon? Collection of terms used by members of professional collectives.
Coltan & Connected Identities? -Devices is made of an metal called Coltan, which is found in Democratic Republic of Congo. -Rising demand for coltan causes problems: civil wars, armed thieves trying to steal the coltan which puts miners at risk, low wage/hard labour.
What are some factors of globalization? -people trade with one another to obtain goods that are: not available in their own region, better quality or less expensive, different from goods produced at home. -Trade goods: Natural resources, clothing/beauty products, stocks & bonds.
What is Transnational Corporations & International Trade? A company that is based in one country while developing and manufacturing its products, or delivering its goods and services, in more than one country.
Pros and Cons of Transnationals and Globalization? Pros-provide training and jobs to people who might not otherwise find work. Cons-jobs require little skill and no room for advancement for workers -no national loyalties to their shareholders
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