

5th grade World History Karteikarten am Gods, erstellt von Samantha Roussel am 14/12/2021.
Samantha Roussel
Karteikarten von Samantha Roussel, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Samantha Roussel
Erstellt von Samantha Roussel vor etwa 3 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Frage Antworten
Anubis A jackal and God of funerals and death. Supervised mummification
Bastet A cat’s head and Goddess of cats, women, and children
Set God of chaos, plucked out Horus’ eye
Thoth Ibis bird, and God of wisdom & writing. An important role in Book of the Dead.
Sobek A crocodile and created the Nile
Amun-Ra Created the universe
Sekhmet Lion headed goddess
Ma'at Her feather was used in weighing the heart
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