Week 2 WGSS Key Terms


Karteikarten am Week 2 WGSS Key Terms , erstellt von Samip Neupane am 18/01/2022.
Samip Neupane
Karteikarten von Samip Neupane, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Samip Neupane
Erstellt von Samip Neupane vor mehr als 2 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Frage Antworten
Androcentrism putting men at the center and relegating women to outsiders in society
Intersectionality the approach as incorporating an intersecting matrix that allows an understanding of simultaneous privilege and oppression
Patriarchy a system where men and masculine bodies dominate because power and authority are in the hands of adult men
Feminism a paradigm for understanding self and society with two core principles of equality and justice
Black feminism philosophy centering on Black womenŐs experiences and analyzing those experiences via intersectional paradigms
Liberal feminism a branch of feminism that focuses on achieving gender equality in the present system working through political, legal and other reforms in public domains
Radical feminism a branch of feminism that calls for re-ordering of society as the radical feminists believe the oppression of women as the fundamental cause of the problem
Multiracial feminism activist and scholarship carried out by women of color and anti-racist white allies to support gender, race and classĘequality
Privilege a special right, advantage, or immunity granted or available only to a particular person or group of people
Femininity possession of qualities traditionally associated with femaleĘ
Masculinity possession of qualities traditionally associated with male
Oppression the state of being subject to unjust treatment or controlĘ
Transnational feminism feminist paradigm and activist movement that focuses on the diverse experiences of women within and across borders and work in collaboration with each other
Social justice justice in terms of the distribution of wealth, opportunities, and privileges within a society
Misogyny the hatred of, or contempt for, women
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