Macroecon Exam 1


Omo Mora
Karteikarten von Omo Mora, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Omo Mora
Erstellt von Omo Mora vor fast 9 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Frage Antworten
Why does scarcity exist Scarcity exists because we can't satisfy our wants
How is opportunity cost defined What you lose when you do something else Ex. Going to school OC: You can't work
What do economist call the cost of one unit increase in activity Marginal Benefit
How would economist describe making a rational choice When they look at marginal benefit and marginal cost to compare
What do economist mean by an incentive It can be a reward or penalty that can encourage or discourage an action
What is a capital good A good that will increase productivity or help your production in future years
What are the categories for factors of production Land, Labor, Capital, Entreprenuership
What things lead to increases in human capital Education, Job training and experience help this capital
What two groups of decision makers are represented in the basic circular flow The two groups are firms and households
What is the difference between the two markets in the circular flow model Factor markets are for land, labor, capitol, and entrepreneurship while goods markets are for everything consumers buy
What does the Production Possibilities Frontier illustrate This illustrates the boundary of a combo of goods and services that can be produced and the combos that can't be produced. (Basically what can you make with what you have.)
How is unemployment shown on a PPF diagram This is shown when the point isn't on the PPF curve and is described as Inefficient production
What is the formula for calculating the opportunity cost of producing one more unit of product The formula is a ratio and are also inverses
Why do opportunity costs increase as we move along a country's PPF Because the more you make the less resouces you have to produce the other product
How do economist define economic growth By the sustained growth of a PPF
What is the opportunity cost of economic growth and what is the benefit The opportunity cost is either capital goods or consumption goods and the benefit is we can have more capital and consumption goods
What is the relationship of comparative advantage and absolute advantage Absolute advantage means the person is more productive. Comparative Advantage means the person can do the work at a lower opportunity cost. One is about productivity and the other is about opportunity cost.
What is the definition of comparative advantage When someone can do the same job or work at a lower opportunity cost
What do economist mean by the phrase quantity demanded This is a movement that is vertical on the demand curve and shows where is the demand of the consumers
How would a change in the number of buyers affect the demand for a good The demand would increase if the population incresed because their is more consumers and V.V.
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