Site Work Design Development


Ballast Chapter 12
Kara Biczykowski
Karteikarten von Kara Biczykowski, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Kara Biczykowski
Erstellt von Kara Biczykowski vor mehr als 2 Jahre

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VARIABLES A = B = D = f = H = N = E = A = distance of noise source to top of sound barrier (ft) B = distance of noise source to btm of sound barrier (ft) D = line of sight from sound source to receiver (ft) f = sound frequency (Hz) H = effective height (ft) N = noise level (dB) E = emissivity
1) development of a site interrupts existing (__) & creates add'l (__) 2) define "runoff" 3) what must the arch do to mitigate runoff 1) drainage patterns / water flow from now existing impermeable surfaces 2) storm water that accumulates on the site in excess of what can be absorbed by the ground 3) account for increase & create positive drainage away from bldg, pkg, sidewalks
1) define "abv ground drainage systems" 2) define "underground drainage systems" 1) uses pervious paving, sheet flow, gutters built into roadways & pkg areas, ground swales as landscaping & channels to direct runoff 2) uses perforated drains & enclosed storm sewers to carry runoff to a municipal storm sewer system or natural outlet, ex a river
1) define "sheet flow" 2) define "gutters" 3) min. slopes of gutters are req'd to prvd positive drainage, so (__)% is needed to acct for paving roughness & variation in installation tolerances 4) what is the min. % for underground piping systems? 1) water that drains across a sloping surface of any mat., typ is directed to a gutter or channel 2) directs runoff typ along roadway & naturally follow same slope as paved surface & can easily drain into sewers 3) 1.5% 4) 0.3%
1) define "storm drains" 2) define "drain inlet" 1) they collect water from roof "downspouts," drain inlets, catch basins, & drain tiles surround the bldg fnd. 2) opening in the grnd that allows storm water to run directly into storm sewer, typ covered w/ mtl grate to keep debris out
1) define "catch basin" 2) define "large storm sewer" 3) define "holding pond" 1) an underground reservoir that has a sump built into it; debris settles in sump instead of clogging sewer pipes 2) systems have manholes for service access every 500ft or where sewer changes direction 3) collects site runoff (excess over storm sewer capacity) & releases it into storm sewer at a ctrl'd rate & prevents flooding in oth areas
1) define "runoff coefficient" 2) the req'd capacity of a drainage system is based on: 3) storms are referred to as an "n-yr storm" where "n" = 4) probability of a 100yr, 25yr, & 10yr storm will occur in a given year is: 1) fraction of water not absorbed 2) the size of area to be drained & amt during most severe anticipated storm 3) probability a storm this severe will occur at this location in any given year 4) 100yr = 1%, 25yr = 4% (most common), 10yr = 10% (semi-common)
UTILITIES 1) examples of services include: 2) what should the arch determine & do before design of bldg begins? 1) sanitary & storm sewers, water lines, natural gas, steam, electricity, telephone, internet, cable 2) contact companies to confirm req's for providing service, locate bldg to minimize utility lines, if not possible est. costs to get utility lines to project & include in budget
1) what utilities take precedence in planning & why? 2) est.'g elevations of existing public sewer lines is important b/c: 3) "inverts" are what? 4) size & slope of sewer line depends on: 1) sanitary & sewer b/c they depend on gravity flow 2) the "effluent" or liquid waste discharged must flow from lowest pt where sewer line leaves bldg to main sewer 3) lowest elevations of sewer lines 4) bldg capacity service
1) what is a sewer line called in & out of bldg? 2) in regard to elevation, a piping connection to main line must be: 3) what is the min slope of bldg sewer? 4) smaller pipes req a greater: 1) in = sanitary sewer, out = bldg sewer 2) at a higher elev. to not interfere w/ free flow through main line 3) 0.5-0.2% depending on pipe size 4) slope
1) 2-1/2" dia pipe must be at what slope? 2) 3"-6" dia must be at what slope? 3) 8"(+) dia must be at what slope? 4) which utilities have more flexibility b/c they don't depend on gravity? 5) what can dictate a transformer's location? 1) 1/4 in/ft slope 2) 1/8 in/ft slope 3) 1/16 in/ft slope 4) water & electricity 5) main electric line location
AUTOMOBILE CIRCULATION 1) ^this involves what? 2) traffic should not pass thru (__) to reach drop off 3) what are the 2 types of pkg/drop off layouts? 1) locating entry drives to the site & prvd'g on site roads to reach the pkg areas & bldg drop off pts 2) parking lot 3) one-way loop system w/ 2 entry drives OR two-way system w/ one entry drive
1) don't layout roads perpendicular to: 2) the max slope of a road at a short distance is: 3) if the slope is greater than 10% what should be done? 4) crossing sidewalks must have a: 1) the slope, but rather slightly across it to minimize grade 2) 15% (10% is preferred) 3) use transition slopes of half the max slope btwn road & level areas 4) level area btwn ramp & sidewalk (so before sidewalk - Fig12.3a)
MAX DISTANCES 1) one way road 2) two way road 3) entry site road access from public intersection "entry drive" 4) pkg drop off 5) cul-de-sac turnaround 1) 12 ft min 2) 24 ft recommended 3) 150 ft min 4) 8 ft pkg lane width 5) 40 ft radius
1) define "crown" 2) slope of a crown 3) how high should edge of gutters be? 4) why may an entry drive be located at an intersection? 1) a roads gradual cross slope for drainage from center to sides 2) min of 1/4" per 1ft 3) 6 in (Fig 12.3b - ex rep. of contour map) 4) so site access for heavy entering traffic can be ctrl'd by a light
PEDESTRIAN CIRCULATION (WALKS) 1) a running slope of a walk is max: 2) the slope for drainage across is max: 3) max slope at buildings is: 4) max slope preferred everywhere else: 5) the absolute max is: 6) walks should prvd: 1) 5% 2) 1/4 in/ft (perpendicular to walking surface) 3) 4% (1/2 in/ft) 4) 6% 5) 8% (1:12) 6) night lighting, seating, trash bins
PEDESTRIAN CIRCULATION (WALKS) 1) min width of a walk: 2) main walks width should be: PEDESTRIAN CIRCULATION (RAMPS) 3) min width is: 4) hand rail requirements are: 5) max length btwn landings: 1) 5 ft 2) 6ft-8ft 3) 36 in 4) to be on both sides if rise is greater than 6" & extend 12" bynd top & btm of ramp 5) 30ft
PEDESTRIAN CIRCULATION (RAMPS) 1) max rise btwn landings: 2) min length of landing: 3) max slope of ramp: 4) handrail height abv ramp: PEDESTRIAN CIRCULATION (CURB CUT) 5) max slope up to sidewalk: 6) max slope cut into walk against curb: 1) 30" rise 2) 5ft 3) 1:12 (8%) 4) 34"-38" 5) 1:12 6) 1:10
PED. CIRCULATION (STAIRS AS "RAMP") 1) stair treads slope for drainage: 2) tread depth for 6" risers: 3) riser max & min: 4) handrail max/min height abv stair 5) prvd handrails where? 6) handrails extend bynd top & btm: 1) 1/4 in/ft in down direction 2) 14" 3) max 6", min 4" 4) 34"-38" 5) icy cond's exist or min over 4 risers 6) 12"
1) which 2 automobile circulation paths should be kept separate? 2) parking should be separated from: 3) what determines the parking capacity? 4) size of standard car parking stall: 5) compact car parking stall: 1) service area for loading from car circulation (entry can be the same, but must separate after) 2) pedestrian circulation 3) zoning req's or bldg program 4) 9ft wide x 19ft long 5) 7ft-6in wide x 15ft long * ^check local zoning ordinances always
1) which parking org. is best for efficient land use? 2) which is easier to use & forces one-way circulation? 3) which drive aisle is most efficient? *4) which sqft value allows for a prelim estimate of parking space, & it includes? 1) 90deg parking 2) 45deg angle parking, but req's less width for single or double drive aisle 3) double-loaded for backing up space (24ft wide drive aisle) 4) 400sqft - includes the space, aisles, drives, landscaping *see Fig12.8
1) what determines the # of pkg spaces req'd for the physically disabled? 2) ea. accessible pkg space should be adj: 3) what is the min accessible route width? 4) width of HC pkg space & it's aisle 5) can you ramp up from aisle to accessible route? if so @ what % 1) ADA Standards for Accessible Design & local codes based on total # of pkg spaces at facility 2) an access aisle that's part of the accessible route to the bldg from pkg 3) 36" 4) pkg space = 8ft / aisle = 5ft 5) yes (but not for van accessible spaces) ramp = 1:12 (8%)
1) what is the width of HC van pkg space & it's aisle? 2) can van aisles ramp to accessible route? 3) for drainage in pkg, slope should be btwn: 1) pkg space = 8ft / aisle 8ft OR pkg space = 11ft / aisle 5ft 2) no, must be level w/ route & maintain a 2% max slope 3) 1.5% min - 5% max *quick way to check w/ contours is w/ 62ft (one side of double-loaded pkg to the oth side) / change in elev
1) guidelines for landscape installation can be found in: 2) deciduous trees can help how? 3) trees in gen. can help how? 4) which tree is best for reducing wind? 5) what determines effectiveness of trees blocking wind? 1) local zoning ordinances 2) block sun heat in summer & allow sunlight heat in winter 3) privacy, lower noise, block views, shade, retard erosion, moderate wind & therefore heat loss 4) evergreens if location is seasonal 5) tree type, width of row(s), how densely planted, tree height
1) gen. a row of trees can decrease wind velocity btwn: 2) trees next to a bldg reduce velocity to: 3) velocity reduction decreases when: 4) width of planting strips for trees in paved area vs ground cover like grass: 5) why is an est. existing tree drip line important? 1) 30%-40% at distance 5x tree height 2) 20%-60% (depending on density) 3) at 10x the tree height & is negligible 20x the tree height 4) trees = 7ft / grass = 4ft 5) contours of land cannot be changed, trees/ oth landscaping need protection during construction
1) what is the "declination angle" *Fig12.11 2) when is day & night of equal time? 3) time of max tilt w/ most solar energy striking Earth? *sun's position measured w/ 2 angles blw: 4) define "azimuth" 1) north-south axis of the earth is tilted at 23.5deg relative to north-south axis of sun 2) spring (Mar 21) & fall equinox (Sept 21) 3) winter (Dec 21) & summer (June 21) solstice 4) compass orientation of sun, east or west of due south or in a 360 deg circle w/ N,90deg & S,180deg
1) define "altitude" 2) a sun chart is also called: 3) solar altitude varies with: 4) solar south is NOT ALWAYS the same as: 1) apparent height of sun measured as angle from the horizon 2) rectilinear projection 3) latitude, so charts typ plotted every 2, 5, 10deg's of latitude 4) magnetic south, b/c earth's magnetic field is irregular & not aligned w/ geographic poles
1) benefit of passive solar energy systems 2) direct gain systems collect heat thru: 3) what is needed to make direct gain systems effective? 4) what should the U-factor of glass be for passive solar heating? 1) collects, stores, distributes solar energy w/out the use of mech equip 2) south facing glass & store heat in high mass mat's & at night release heat 3) glass must be well insulated at night or be low-emissivity, mass of a dark color & free of objects like rugs, etc 4) x < 0.35 Btu/ft2
1) what is different about an indirect gain system? 2) what is the benefit of using both direct/ indirect gain systems together? 1) the thermal mass isn't in direct sunlight, it's heated by room air temp/ reflected sunlight - so is less efficient & captures 4x less energy than direct gain systems 2) indirect systems can even out temp variations in bldg from direct systems
1) thermal storage walls are direct gain systems that 2) ex is what type of wall? 1) use a high-mass wall directly behind south-facing glass to collect solar energy & release at night, vents allow cool air to circulate in the space btwn glass & wall, become heated, travel up via convection over wall into room 2) trombe walls *water walls better at storing heat than concrete
1) why are phase change mat's used like eutectic salts, esp in trombe walls? 2) what is the greenhouse design? 1) they store latent heat from "changing" & avoid overheating & wide swings in temp like water & conc. 2) a large glazed area on the south bldg side uses a thermal mass wall to separate it from a room, a rock bed or thermal mass flr helps absorb heat to disperse at night
1) what is a roof pond? 2) can you use a roof pond in the summer? 1) water-filled bags on the roof heat up in the day & at night insulation is pulled over them to force heat release down into bldg 2) yes, to cool the bldg by radiation - bags covered in day to only absorb bldg heat, & at night insulation is removed for heat to radiate outside
1) what is a convective loop system or thermosiphon? 2) what are the 3 components to have w/ an active solar energy system? 1) places solar collector blw inhabited space, & air w/in is circulated by natural convection as the warm air/water rises & cool air/water falls back to the collector, & repeat 2) collector, storage device, distribution system
1) flat-plate collectors consist of a network of pipes located on 2) focusing collectors are 1) an absorptive black surface w/ low-emissivity blw glass/plastic, pipes carry heat transfer medium water or antifreeze 2) parabolic reflectors that focus incoming radiation to a single pipe carrying heat-transfer medium (operate at higher temp) but always must face sun
1) storage devices consist of 2) distribution components are same as 3) what is an open-loop water heading system w/ solar energy 4) what's a closed-loop system 5) solar energy can be used for absorptive cooling if: 1) water, rock beds, phase change mat. 2) HVAC, ducts - air, pipes - water, fans, pumps, registers, ctrl devices 3) water heated directly in solar collector 4) heating medium is heated in collector & circulated to heat exchanger to heat water 5) high enough temps are reached in transfer medium
1) an extremely sus. method of generating elec. from renewable & free source is: 2) what are the pros & cons ^ 1) wind power 2) jurisdictions don't typ allow it in (sub)/urban areas, need spec cond's of speed & power, costly equip, elec must be used as it's generated typ, better for commercial farms than individual bldgs
1) how are ground-source heat pumps used? 2) ^ what increases heat from the ground 3) what are GSHP's used for? 4) how much piping is req'd for 12,000BTU/hr to heat/cool 1) elec powered to extract geothermal energy - heat from ground in winter or give off excess heat to ground in summer 2) vapor-compressor refrigeration cycle 3) space heating/ cooling & preheating domestic hot water 4) 400ft
1) GSHP's reduce energy consumption of heating/cooling by 2) what bldg type is a GSHP most useful for 3) what is photovoltaics 1) 20%-50% & use near 50% less energy for water heating 2) ones req' space/water heating/cooling over extended hours of operation - single & multi fam resi & schools 3) direct conversion of sunlight into electricity
1) advantages of PV's 2) disadvantages 1) elec can be used immediately, stored, sold back to grid, reduces demand on non-renewable energy, lower energy costs, no pollution, free energy source 2) high initial cost, adequate sunlight, low winter & night hr production, battery storage cost, maintenance, & space req's, local jurisdiction limitations
1a-c) 3 types of PV cells 2) PV array angle tilt deg to max energy generation is: 3) angle tilt to max production in winter is: 1a) crystalline - best results 1b) polycrystalline - less $ than ^ but make less power 1c) thin-film cells - can be applied to bldg mat's like glass, but make 1/3 power of 1a 2) eq to latitude of bldg site 3) 10-15 deg greater than latitude
PASSIVE DESIGN METHODS 1) optimal bldg orientation per climatic region for a rectangular footprint 2) where should a bldg entrance go based on climate: 1) all E/W length oriented, Cool: 12deg SE, Temperate: 17.5deg SE, Hot-Arid: 25deg SE, Hot-Humid: 5deg SE *Fig12.16 2) cold: leeward side to avoid winter winds, temperate: south for natural snow-melting in sun effects, hot: long side of bldg to catch cooling breezes
1) bldg's w/ smaller surface area (cube ex) use less: 2) in which climate does this ^ work best? 3) what is an external-load dominated bldg 1) energy b/c heating/ cooling loads depend on thermal conductance of walls/ roof's surfaces 2) cold ones to reduce heat loss thru exterior envelope 3) energy use determined by amt of heat loss/gain thru ext envelope - gen have few occupants like houses, apt's, etc
1) what is an internal-load dominated bldg 2) does bldg shape effect energy efficiency more in int/ext load dom. bldg's *Fig12.18 (shapes blw) 3) best shape of bldg for cold climates: 4) temperate climates: 1) whose energy use is driven by high heat gain from occupants, lights, equip, like offices, hospitals, retail, schools, labs 2) internal-load dominated bldg 3) cubic - surface area to be min. 4) shape not much effect, but elongated bldg in E/W good for some min. summer/ max winter solar heat gain, daylighting
1) hot-arid climates: 2) hot-humid climates: 3) shading devices that work best for South facades vs E/W vs SE & SW 1) squarer = better w/ open courtyards 2) elongated in E/W to allow breezes, min heat gain from E/W, courtyards & broad overhangs useful 3) South = horizontal louvers, E/W = vertical, SE/SW = wide horiz or vert or both
1) a basic passive energy conservation strategy is to do what to a bldg? 2) before insulation is selected: 3) Ex, Int. Resi code lists thermal component criteria for bldg envelope, roof, flr, slabs, etc based on: 4) to be effective, most insulation must be installed with: 1) insulate & seal a bldg against air infiltration 2) req'd R-value must be determined from local/state bldg code or a ref'd standard 3) climatic zone Fig9.2 & # of heating degree days 4) vapor barrier
1) insulations containing what shouldn't be used 2) what is "superinsulation" 3) what is "transparent insulation" 1) hydrochlorofluorocarbons (HCFCs) & clorofluorocarbons (CFCs) ozone depleting 2) technique of prvd'g higher levels than normal, sometimes ext wall thickens 3) typ uses thik polycarb. honeycomb mat., acrylic foam, fiberglass btwn glazing (can't use where view is needed)
1) what is "movable insulation" 2) much energy is lost from infiltration & exfiltration (air leakage) b/c of: 1) typ used on wndws that prvd passive solar heating - typ replaced at night or on cloudy days to prevent heat loss 2) movement of air in/out of bldg by natural means like pressure diff from wind, stack effect, mech systems
1) describe how the "stack effect" works 2) air entering via infiltration rather than the ventilation system must still be: 3) what % of heating/cooling energy used is lost due to infiltration? 1) difference in pressure btwn top/btm of a bldg from temp differential, esp high-rises, air is warmer at top causing exfiltration abv while cool air blw is then replaced w/ infiltration 2) conditioned to meet indoor req's - adding to bldg heating/cooling loads 3) 25%-40%
1) exfiltration causes what to be lost from w/in the bldg? 2) infiltration carries what into the bldg? 3) what is an "air barrier" 4) what is a "vapor-impermeable barrier" 5) water vapor carried by air infiltration is how much > diffusion thru mat.'s? 1) conditioned air 2) dust & pollutants & water vapor which can condense & cause mold growth 3) part of bldg envelope to ctrl infiltration/ exfiltration on all surfaces exposed to ext 4) acts as both air barrier & vapor retarder in same mat. 5) 10 - 200 x greater
1) what is "permeance" 2) the unit of "perm" is = 3) if an air barrier is vapor permeable, it's permeance rating is: 1) how readily a mat. allows water vapor to pass thru it 2) 1 perm = 1grain of moisture/hr-ft2-in Hg *Hg=mercury difference in vapor pressure 3) 5 perms or greater
Per standard 90.1, commercial bldgs: 1) individual air barrier mat. can't exceed: 2) air barrier assemblies can't exceed: 3) whole-bldg air barriers can't exceed: 4) although location of air barrier w/in bldg isn't important for effectiveness, for ease of installation it's typ placed: 1) 0.004 cfm/ ft2 at 0.30 in wg 2) 0.04 cfm/ft2 @0.30 in wg 3) 0.4 cfm/ft2 @0.30 in wg 4) behind the ext cladding & outside the sheathing & structure
1) what are the advg's of "earth sheltering" 2) what are the 3 types of earth shelters? 1) since earth's temp is stable, unwanted heat gain & loss are reduced, protects from cold winds, natural soundproofing, less outside maintenance, protection from natural threats (hail/ tornadoes) 2) abv ground w/ rammed up earth, cut into side of a hill, completely underground w/ ventilation via courtyard
1) soil used for earth shelters should be: 2) why is clay not to be used? 3) the site should be tested for: 4) what should be considered about ground water? 5) what needs extra attn in const.? 6) why would a natural slope to the land be helpful? 1) granular - gravel, sand, sandy loam 2) poor drainage & expands w/ moisture 3) radon concentrations 4) have positive drainage away from bldg & keep groundwater level blw bldg 5) waterproofing underground portions 6) to minimize earthmoving
1) why does insulation still need to be done for earth shelter designs? 2) adequate ventilation is needed to: 1) keep indoor temp comfortable & prevent condensation from forming on walls 2) ctrl humidity & maintain good air quality
ADVANTAGES OF GREEN ROOFS 1) conserving energy by reducing cooling/ heating loads 2) reducing storm runoff 3) absorbing carbon dioxide 4) reducing ambient air temperature 5) filtering air & binding dust particles 6) reducing heat island effect b/c roof membrane isn't exposed 7) protecting roof membranes 8) adding acoustical insulation 9) adding aesthetic appeal to the roof
1) what is an intensive green roof? 2) what is an extensive green roof? 3) what is typ used w/ both types? 4) a green roof must be constructed over a: *Fig12.20 1) use deeper soil (12in or +) to support complex landscapes w/ shrubs & trees 2) use soil less than 6in deep to support grasses, sedums, herbs, perennials 3) subsurface irrigation system & cont. layer of growth medium 4) structural deck strong enough to hold wet weight
CONST. GREEN ROOF ON CONC DECK 1) WPM placed over struct deck like PVC, EPDM, TPO, bituminous membrane 2) then if needed, a root barrier 3) then rigid insulation to prevent heat loss from water absorption of bldg int. & prvd's thermal insulation 4) then a drainage layer for water not absorbed by plants to exit - min slope 1.5% & max slope 30% 5) then a filter fabric to prevent fine particles from clogging drainage layer 6) then the growth medium
CONST. GREEN ROOF ON MTL DECK 1) thermal barrier over mtl deck to prevent heat transfer like 1/2" gyp sheathing 2) then rigid insulation like extruded polystyrene (XPS) 3) then a WPM (same type as conc deck) 4) then a root barrier if necessary 5) then a drainage layer 6) the growth medium
1) what is a green roof "flood test" 2) what is an "electric field vector mapping" (EFVM) test 3) a drip irrigation system is better than a spray one b/c: 4) a green roof can contribute to: 1) area is flooded w/ 2" of water for 48 hrs & a following int inspection for leaks 2) growing medium is wetted to prvd an electrically conductive layer, deck is grounded, leak causes electric flow 3) water goes straight to roots rather than possibly evaporating on leaves 4) a LEED credit
1) what is a "cool roof" aka "reflective roofing" 2) a roof must have a min reflectivity of what when new & at 3 yrs age? 3) cool roofs are best in climates where: 4) do internal or external-load dominated bldgs in cool climates benefit more? 1) roof covered in light-colored mat. that reflects more of the sun's heat than it absorbs 2) EPA's Energy Star req's 0.65 new & 0.50 at 3 yrs 3) cooling degree days exceed heating degree days 4) internal-load dominated
1) cool roof can help a bldg earn a LEED credit for: 2) air locks or vestibule entry systems are desirable when? 3) how is float glass affected by the sun? 4) a single pane of glass has a U-value of: 1) heat island reduction 2) cold/temp climates or hot w/ mech cond bldgs to min heat loss/cooled air out 3) it's a major source of heat loss & gain, heat moves thru it by convection & radiation 4) 1.11 Btu/ft2-hr-degF
1) what is the "solar heat gain coefficient" (SHGC) 2) ^values are btwn 0-1 which means: 3) what is the "shading coefficient" (SC - also uses values 0-1) 1) amt of solar radiation transmitted thru entire wndw assembly, expressed as a fraction of the total amt that strikes it 2) 1=all solar radiation passes thru, 0=none 3) only effects on glass - ratio of amt of solar radiation thru a piece of glass to amt that would pass thru a sim piece of unshaded, clear, double-strength 1/8in thk glass under same cond's
1) what is the ideal glass in % of admitting daylight but % of blocking infrared rays 2) what is insulating glass? 3) typ U-value for 2 pane insulated glass: 4) how does heat loss still occur? 5) how is some desired solar heat gain admitted thru the glass lost by radiation? 1) admits +70% visible light, blocks 95% of infrared spectrum 2) glazing assembly w/ 2-3 panes of glass separated by sealed air or evacuated spaces to act as insulators 3) 0.57 Btu/ft2-hr-degF 4) convection of air currents in air space 5) objects that were warmed emit infrared radiation that passes back out
1) why is some insulating glass mfr'd using an inert gas fill than a vacuum? 2) which two gases are common? 3) in a double glazed unit w/ argon, the U-value is: 4) what should be considered w/ gases over time for long-term energy calcs? 1) it is more efficient at stopping heat transfer by convection 2) argon - offers good thermal performance at low cost & krypton is more efficient but 200x more cost 3) 0.52 Btu/ft2-hr-degF 4) they can leak at a rate of 0.5%-1%/year
1) downside of reducing solar heat gain w/ tinted, reflective, heat-absorbing glass is: 2) half the incident solar radiation on glass is in what 2 spectrums? 1) reduce visible light transmittance, so no daylighting to conserve energy, views out & interiors seem darker, can't make use of solar heat gain when desirable 2) visible spectrum & infrared spectrum
1) what is "low-e" or "low-emissivity" glass? 2) how does the low-e film prevent heat loss of objects in room emitting longwave radiation? 3) when a double-glazed unit is used w/ low-e & argon in 1/4" space, the U-value is: 1) double-glazing w/ thin film in glazing cavity, which allows visible & near-infrared radiation to be transmitted thru glass 2) the film reflects the heat back 3) 0.36 Btu/ft2-hr-degF - very efficient & more w/ 1/2" gap = 0.28 Btu/ft2-hr-degF
1) what is "spectrally selective glazing" 2) ^ when used w/ low-e the SHGC can be 3) ^ this is good to use for bldgs in what context 4) why are "super wndws" good for winter? 1) transmits a high proportion of visible spectrum but blocks up to 80% of heat from infrared spectrum 2) 0.25 3) w/ a long cooling season but need high interior light levels 4) have 2 low-e coatings, gas cavities, & 3 layers of glass = 0.15 U value = gaining more thermal energy than lost in 24hrs
1) what are "switchable glazings" 2) what is "electrochromic glazing" 1) chromogenic wndw products that can change characteristics based on enviro cond's or human intervention 2) film on glass can change btwn opaque & clear or colors when low-voltage electrical current is applied - ctrl'd manually or automatically, reduces solar heat gain
3) what is "photochromic glazing" 4) what is thermochromic glazing" 5) what is "transition-metal hydride electrochromics" 3) darkens under action of sunlight, light intensity affects wndw darkness, disadvantage - may want clear glass on a cold sunny day for warmth 4) changes darkness in response to temp & translucent at certain temp 5) changes from transparent to reflective from nickel-magnesium coating
1) double envelope systems typ have 2 glazed layers separated by 2-3ft to: 2) what do double envelope systems use for sun control? 3) what is a "dynamic buffer zone system?" 1) allow passive or active ventilation systems to exhaust heat buildup or redirect it to a heat exchanger in cold weather 2) louvers, blinds, shades 3) new outer layer of glazing is built around an existing bldg, it prevents/ ctrl's condensation from updating ventilation systems
1) disadvantage of double envelopes 2) advantages of double envelopes 3) the "daylight factor" (DF) is the ratio of: 1) significantly more cost than single skin 2) sun ctrl, reduced cooling loads, operating costs, better daylighting & air ctrl when using natural ventilation 3) illuminance at a pt. on a horiz. surface indoors to the same on outdoor surface fully open to the sky, measured under overcast skies
1) what 2 things are needed for daylighting 2) DF for ordinary visual tasks, difficult, & when does heat gain/loss & glare become issues? *If h=height from flr to T.O. wndw: 3) what is the effective daylighting depth? 4) daylighting depth w/ a light shelf? 1) enough view of the sky & glazing must transmit sufficient light 2) 1.5%/ 4%/ 5% 3) 1.5h 4) 2h to 2.5h
1) what is the "effective aperture" (EA) 2) what is "visible light transmittance" (VLT) 3) what is "window-to-wall ratio" (WWR) 4) what is a good EA for daylighting? 5) what type of wndw gives best uniform light distribution? 1) visible light transmittance & wndw-to-wall ratio 2) % of visible light that passes thru a glazing mat. 3) net glazing area in a room divided by gross ext. wall area 4) between 0.2 & 0.3 5) continuous wndws, not punched
1) large, high wndws on south side can cause glare & heat gain, what can help mitigate this? 2) what should a light shelf be made of? 3) what are light shelves good at doing? 1) using a light shelf 2) a diffuse & highly reflective surface 3) directs daylight onto ceiling & shades lower portion of room & wndw, & distributes light evenly into back of room
1) what type of glass is desirable to ctrl heat thru convection? 2) & to ctrl heat gain thru sun's radiation? 3) to ctrl glare, glass with what is needed? 4) what type of shading is more effective on a wndw at blocking solar heat gain? 1) glass w/ a low U-value 2) glass w/ a low SHGC 3) a VLT of 50%-70% w/ lowest possible SHGC 4) exterior better than interior - south side horiz. shading, partial outside light shelves can be used too
1) for effective daylighting w/ "room design" what min % of reflective surfaces should be used & where 2) a great tool for implementing top lighting in a bldg is: 1) 80% ceilings, 50%-70% walls, 20%-40% floors, wall facing wndw always should be as light as possible 2) a light pipe, inexpensive & distribute light evenly, 10-16" dia tubes
1) the most effective method to ctrl site noise is by using a: 2) why don't sound barriers stop 100% of noise? 3) the effectiveness of a solid barrier depends on: 1) sound barrier - walls of wood or conc block or earth berms 2) "diffraction" or the bending of sound waves around a barriers edge or holes allows sound to travel 3) it's height & position, distance btwn source & receiver, & noise frequency
1) what is the maekawa equation? ^calculates a point source noise f=frequency in hertz d=distance in feet A+B=length in feet of shortest path around barrier
1) if the critical factor of calc'g a pt noise is not the actual height of the barrier, it's the: 2) for linear noise sources, noise reduction is how much less than that calc'd by equation? 1) "effective height" = top of barrier to pt where acoustical line of sight intersects the barrier 2) 20%-25%
DESIGNING OUTDOOR SOUND BARRIERS 1) solid barriers are better at blocking high-frequency sounds than low 2) barrier best placed as close as possible to either source or receiver 3) if barrier by noise source, needs to be 4x height of distance from source to barrier 4) the greater the effective height, the greater the attenuation 5) to block pt source noise, short barrier should be 4x length of barrier to source distance or barrier to receiver (whichever is shorter) 6) barriers need density of 5lbm/ft2 & be solid - more density doesn't improve sound block
OTHER WAYS TO CTRL SITE NOISE 1) maximize distance btwn noise source & receiver - pt source sound decreases 6dB per 2x distance & 3dB for linear -10dB needed to be perceived 1/2 loud 2) avoid hard surfaces near noise source 3) avoid parallel hard surfaces, rather angles these from one another 4) design bldg's mass to block noise like w/ solid walls/ courtyards 5) plant evergreen trees btwn noise source & receiver - must be 100ft min in large, deep grouping, more useful w/ earth berms or solid barriers 6) ctrl locating noise sources inside/ near the bldg like mech rooms 7) make use of masking sounds like running water
1) "perimeter protection" is 1st line of defense on a site to prevent: 2) what vehicles must be kept at a "standoff distance" what is used: 3) what must be performed if standoff distances is needed b/c of threat of explosions? 1) unauthorized ppl/ vehibles from entering or getting close to bldg 2) walls, change in elevation, bollards, dry moats, water features, landscaping, hardened street furniture 3) expert needs to perform blast analysis to determine safe min. distances
1) access & parking can be ctrl'd thru: 2) a great way to maximize on-site security w/ low visual impact is thru: 1) limited access points, card-ctrl'd gates, guard stations, use of camera surveilances, sally ports, retractable bollards, illuminated circulation routes w/ clr signage & security 2) hardened site furniture, fountains, light poles, kiosks, landscaping
1) why might HVAC equip need to be separated from bldg access or protected? 2) what are the 4 levels to consider for site security design? **see definitions pg12-36 end of chapter 1) prevent the introduction of chemical or biological materials 2) perimeter protection, access & parking, on-site security, bldg envelope protection
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Contracts - Gen Conds of the Contract for a Sustainable Project AIA Doc A201 SP
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Contracts - Arch-Consultant Agrmt AIA Doc C401
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Project Execution
Kara Biczykowski
Contracts - B101 SP (Sustainable Project)
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Contracts - Supplementary & Special Conds of the Contract
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Project Quality Control
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Construction Administration
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Contracts - Gen Cond's of the Contract for Const. AIA Doc A201
Kara Biczykowski