Croatian_Unit 5_Day 2


FSI Language Training Croatian Basic Course, 2022 Karteikarten am Croatian_Unit 5_Day 2, erstellt von FSI Croatian am 27/06/2022.
FSI Croatian
Karteikarten von FSI Croatian, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
FSI Croatian
Erstellt von FSI Croatian vor mehr als 2 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Frage Antworten
došao sam I came
moram ručati I have to eat lunch
imam sastanak I have a meeting
popodne in the afternoon
Znate li...? Do you know...?
Ima li...? Is there...?
ručati to have lunch
Poznati su po... They are famous for...
ići na sendvič to go for a sandwich
porazgovarati to talk for a bit
o tome about that
ona je dobro čula she heard correctly
uzimati / uzeti to take
on je uzimao he was taking
navodno alegedly
predstavnik, predstavnica representative
međunarodna organizacija international organization
nevladina organizacija nongovernmental organization
radi se o it is about
zanima me it interests me (I am interested...)
upravo just
jesti / pojesti to eat
pričati to talk
pričali smo o we talked about
to ima veze s it has to do with
raspitati se to inquire
čini mi se it seems to me
Dugo Vas nisam vidjela. I haven’t seen you for a long time.
jedino only
On je bio na moru. he was at the coast for a vacation.
koliko sam ja čula as far as I heard
pričat ću Vam I will tell you
doći na kavu to come for coffee
žaliti se / požaliti se to complain
poznavati / poznati to know, be familiar with
trebati to need
trebam ići I need to go
večera dinner
moram ići I have to go
piti / popiti to drink
vidjeti to see
u redu all right
Samo dođite! Do come!
nažalost unfortunately
čini mi se it seems to me
uključen, uključena included
pitati to ask
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