Unit 05_Vocabulary for Fluency_Travel Phrases - Sheet1


College Languages - Unit 5: Directions, Travel & Transportations (Vocabulary) Karteikarten am Unit 05_Vocabulary for Fluency_Travel Phrases - Sheet1, erstellt von SLS Indonesian am 21/07/2022.
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Karteikarten von SLS Indonesian, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
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Erstellt von SLS Indonesian vor etwa 2 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Frage Antworten
Jangan pegang saya! Don't touch me!
Saya panggil polisi. I'll call the police.
Polisi! Police!
Stop! Maling! Stop! Thief!
Tolong! Copet! Hey! Pickpocket!
Saya perlu air. I need water
Saya minta tolong. I need your help.
Ini darurat. It's an emergency.
Saya kehilangan tas saya. Tas saya hilang. I lost my bag.
Saya kehilangan dompet saya. I lost my wallet.
Saya sakit. I'm sick.
Saya terluka. I've been injured.
Saya perlu dokter. I need a doctor.
Bisa saya pakai telepon Anda? Can I use your phone?
minggu ini this week
sebelum before
pagi (0.00 - 10.30) morning
siang (10.30 - 15.00) afternoon
sore (15.00 - 19.00) evening
malam (19.00 - 0.00) night
tengah hari noon
tengah malam midnight
Januari January
Februari February
Maret March
April April
Mei May
Juni June
Juli July
Agustus August
September September
Oktober October
Nopember November
Desember December
Kereta/bus ini ke mana? Where does this train/bus go?
Di mana kereta/bus ke _____? Where is the train/bus to _____?
Apa kereta/bus ini berhenti di _____? Does this train/bus stop in _____?
Jam berapa kereta/bus ke _____ berangkat? What time does the train/bus for _____ leave?
Jam berapa kereta/bus ini sampai di _____? What time does this train/bus arrive in _____?
dekat _____ near the
di depan _____ in front of
persimpangan intersection
utara north
selatan south
timur east
barat west
Kalau _____ bagaimana? Would you take _____?
Saya tidak bisa beli itu. I can't afford it.
Saya tidak tertarik. I'm not interested.
Bisa kirim paket ini (ke luar negeri)? Do you ship this package (overseas)?
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