

Instructor Sudanese (First Two Weeks Vocabulary Lists (Lessons 1-8)) Karteikarten am SD_2weeks_L05, erstellt von Adlan Abdelaziz am 25/07/2022.
Adlan Abdelaziz
Karteikarten von Adlan Abdelaziz, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Adlan Abdelaziz
Erstellt von Adlan Abdelaziz vor etwa 2 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Frage Antworten
حتمشوا you will go (pl.)
بكرة tomorrow
إجازة holiday
الجو the weather
حلو beautiful
حتعملوا شنو؟ What are you (pl.) going to do?
حنمشي we will go to
مروي Merowe (a city in Sudan)
نحنا we
برضو also
مع with
كيف ؟ How?
حتمشوا كيف؟ How are you (pl.) going?
بالعربية by car
لازم must
لازم تمشوا you must go (pl.)
بدري early
يا... Hey! used in direct address to attract the attention of the person spoken to
ليه؟ Why?
عشان... because of...
زحمة traffic congestion
منو؟ Who?
منو ماشي؟ Who is going?
مرتي my wife
أولادي my kids
راجلي my husband
إن شاء الله* God willing*
إن شاء الله حتنبسطوا Hopefully you will have fun (pl.)
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