Erstellt von SLS Indonesian
vor etwa 2 Jahre
Frage | Antworten |
Aduk | to mix; stir |
Aduklah adonan itu! | Mix that dough! |
Aduk(lah) sampai (me)rata! | Mix it well! (Mix it smoothly). |
Angkat | to lift (up); to remove (e.g. from a stove) |
Angkat(lah) panci dari atas api! | Remove the pan from the stove (lit.'from the fire') |
Ayak | to sift |
Tepungnya mesti diayak dulu. | The flour must be sifted first. |
Bakar | to roast ; barbecue |
Apa satenya sudah dibakar? | Has the sate already been barbecued? |
Beku | frozen |
Bekukan | to Freeze (s.t.) |
Makanan ini harus dibekukan. | The food should be frozen. |
Belah | to split |
Telur ini dibelah dua. | These eggs should be cut in half. |
Bikin | to make |
Bikin cair menteganya. | Melt the butter. |
Bikin halus kentangnya. | Mash the potatoes. |
Bikin manis or maniskan podingnya. | Make the pudding sweet. |
Bilas | to rinse |
Jangan lupa bilas piring-piringnya dengan air mendidih. | Don't forget to rinse the dishes with boiling water. |
Bumbui | to season |
Apa udangnya sudah dibumbui? | Have the shrimps already been seasoned? |
Bungkus | to wrap |
Bungkus sisa makanan itu dan taruh di lemari es. | Wrap the left-over food and put it in the refrigerator. |
Cair | liquid; watery |
Cairkan | to melt |
Cairkan mentega itu! | Melt that butter. |
Campur | to mix |
Campur sayuran ini dengan bumbunya! | Mix these vegetables with the sauce (spices)! |
Campuran | mixture |
Adonan ini dibikin dari campuran tepung, telur, dan mentega. | This dough is made of flour, eggs, and butter. |
Cetak | to cut (cookies); put in mold |
Cetaklah adonannya dengan cetakan ini. | Shape (Cut) the dough with this (cookie) cutter. |
Cetakan | mold; cookie cutter |
Saya mencari cetakan poding yang bagus. | I'm looking for a nice pudding mold. |
Didihkan | to bring (liquid) to a boiling point. |
Didihkan dulu airnya sebelum dibikin es! | Boil the water first before (you) make ice. |
Mendidih | boiling |
Air ini belum mendidih, jangan matikan apinya. | This water is not boiling yet. Don't turn off the stove (lit. 'fire') |
Giling | to grind (meat); mill (rice) |
Saya perlu 1 kilo daging giling. | I need one kilogram of ground meat. |
Gulung | to roll (up) |
Bagaimana cara (meng)gulung lumpia ini? | How do you roll these eggrolls? |
Goreng | to fry |
Goreng(lah) lumpia ini sampai kuning. | Fry these eggrolls until (golden) yellow. |
Ganti | to substitute; replace |
Kalau tidak ada cuka, ganti saja dengan air jeruk. | If there's no vinegar, just substitute lemon (or lime) juice. |
Gosok | to rub |
Gosok daging ini sama bawang putih! | Rub this meat with garlic. |
Hancur | dissolved; crushed |
Masak gula dalam air sampai hancur. | Cook the sugar in water until dissolved. |
Hancurkan | to crush |
Hancurkan esnya! | crush the ice. |
Hangus | burn; singe |
Hati-hati jangan sampai hangus masakannya. | Be careful! Don't burn the food. (lit: the cooking) |
Halus | refined |
Hidangkan | to serve (food or drink) |
Hidangkan ini dulu! | Serve this one first. |
Hangat | warm; lukewarm |
Airnya sudah hangat. | The water is already warm. |
Hangatkan | to warm (up) |
Tolong hangatkan makanan ini sebentar. | Please warm this food for a minute. |
Isi | content; filling; stuffing |
Isikan | to fill; stuff |
Iris | to slice; a slice |
Jernih | clear (liquid) |
Aduk poding ini sampai warnanya jernih. | Stir the pudding until the color is clear. |
Kental | thick (liquid) |
Ketel or Cerek | kettle |
Kocok | to mix (eggs or batter) |
Kompor | stove |
Kompor gas | gas stove |
Kompor listerik | electric stove |
Kompor minyak tanah | kerosene stove |
Kukus | to steam |
Kupas | to peel |
Kurangi | to reduce |
Lembek or Lunak | soft; tender |
Leper or ceper | shallow (dish) |
Lumuri | to smear |
Lumuri panci dengan mentega! | Grease the pan with butter. |
Masak | to cook; cooked; done; ripe |
Masak di bawah api! | to broil. |
Mangkok takar (takaran) | measuring cup |
Matang | done; cooked; mature |
Masukkan | to put into |
Mendidih | boiling |
Mentah | raw |
Naik | to rise (dough) |
Open | oven |
Panggang | to bake; toast |
Panci | pan; pot |
Panasi or Panaskan | to heat up |
Panasi sisa makanan! | Heat up the leftover food. |
Parut | to grate; a grater |
Pasang | to install; put in place; assemble |
Pedas | (spicy)hot |
Penggorengan | frying pan or wok |
Penuh | full |
Peras | to press; squeeze |
Piring | plate; dish |
Pisahkan | to separate |
Pisahkan kuning telur dari putihnya! | Separate the egg-yolk from the white. |
Pisau | knife |
Pisau roti | bread knife |
Potong | to cut, a cut |
Rata | even |
Rebus | to boil |
Rendam | to soak |
Rendam sayur-sayuran dalam air matang sama obat Clorox. | Soak the vegetables in boiled water with Clorox. |
Saos/saus | sauce |
Saring | to strain; sieve; filter |
Saringan | strainer; sieve; filter. |
Sendok | spoon |
Sendok makan | tablespoon |
Sendok teh or kecil | teaspoon |
Setengah Matang | Half-cooked; medium rare; soft (eggs) |
Taburi | to sprinkle s.t. |
Taburi dengan keju di atasnya! | Sprinkle (with) cheese on top of it. |
Takar | to measure (volume) |
Tambah | to add, put in |
Tambah bersama-sama! | Add (put it in) all at once. |
Tambah sedikit-sedikit! | Add (it) little by little. |
Tambah pelan-pelan! | Put (it) in slowly. |
Tambah ke bahan-bahan lain! | Add (it) to the other ingredients! |
Tangkai | stalk; stem |
Taruh | to put |
Taruh dalam lemari es or kulkas! | Put (it) in the refrigerator. |
Tebal | thick (size) |
Telur or Telor aduk | scrambled eggs |
Telur (telor) mata sapi | fried sunny side-up |
Telur (telor) rebus | boiled egg |
Telur (telor) rebus setengah matang | soft boiled egg |
Telur (telor) dadar | omellete |
Tempat bikin es (batu) | freezer compartment |
Timbang | to weigh |
Tipis | thin (size) |
Tuangkan | to pour |
Tumis | to sautee |
Tutupi | to cover |
Ukur | to measure |
Ukuran or berukuran | measurement; having the measurements |
Utuh | whole |
Wangi | fragrant; to smell good |
Tumis bumbu-bumbu ini sampai baunya wangi! | Sautee these spices till they smell good! |
Wadah (tempat) | container |
Wajan | frying pan (a wok) |
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