Byzantine Empire Notes


Karteikarten am Byzantine Empire Notes , erstellt von sgrill am 14/10/2015.
Karteikarten von sgrill, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Erstellt von sgrill vor mehr als 9 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Frage Antworten
Constantinople Located at a crossroads of land and sea routes- excellent location. It's great wealth came from trade. Constantinople is the capital of the Byzantine Empire. Trade linked Europe and Asia.
Justinian Emperor who caused the Byzantine Empire to reach its peak.. He was determined to revive ancient Rome by recovering lands that had been over run by invaders. Justinian rebuilt the Church of Hagia Sophia and rebuilt capital- Land of Splendor. He also came up with Justinian's Code.
Justinian's Code A commission to collect, revise, and organize all the laws of ancient Rome. "Body of Civil Law". Collection included laws passed by Roman assemblies or decreed by Emperors. Greatly influenced people, later monarchs, and international law- they went on the design own laws after this code.
Theodora A shrewd politician who served as an adviser and co-ruler (wife) to Justinian. She was a prostitute and rose up to empress, caused much turmoil.
The Hagia Sophia Went from a Cathedral to a mosque and is now a museum. Reflects Islam and Christianity heritage. Was rebuilt by Justinian.
Great Schisim The split between the Eastern and Western Christianity. The Eastern (Byzantine) became Greek Orthodox Church and the Western (Roman) became the Roman Catholic Church.
Icons Holy Images, a contribution to the split of the two branches of Christianity.
Why did the Byzantine Empire outlaw icons? They claimed icons violated God's commandment against graven images. This outlaw set off violent battles.
Describe Eastern Christianity -Byzantine -Clergy Kept the right to marry -Less emphasis put on Christmas -Greek -Rejected the Pope, appointed Patriarch by Emperor
Describe Western Christianity -Pope ruled over all Christians -Latin -Focused more on Christmas rather than Easter -Became the Roman Catholic Church
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