Erstellt von Eli Southard
vor mehr als 2 Jahre
Frage | Antworten |
Assessed Value | Value of a property that an assessor sets that is used in calculating property taxes |
Excise Tax | Tax that government levies on particular products and services. tax on specific luxury items or nonessentials |
Mill | 1/10 of a cent or 1/1000 of a dollar. In decimal, it is .002. In application: Property tax due= Mills x .001 x Assessed valuation |
Personal Property | Items of possession, like cars, home, furnishings, jewelry, and so on. these are taxed by the property tax |
Property Tax | A tax that raises revenue for school districts, cities, counties, and the like |
Real property | Land, buildings, and so on, which are taxed by the property tax |
Sales Tax | tax levied on consumers for certain sales of merchandise or services by states, counties or various local governments |
Tax rate | Budget needed/Total assessed value |
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