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Created by Sarah Egan
over 9 years ago
Question | Answer |
Furrow | groove |
Furtive | secret; sly |
Futile | useless; hopeless |
Gaffe | blunder; social mistake |
Galleon | old sailing ship |
Gambol | frolic; skip about |
Garble | distort; muddle |
Garish | gaudy |
Garner | gather; collect |
Garrulous | talkative |
Gaunt | emaciated; bony and angular |
Genre | a category; type |
Germane | relevant |
Germinal | in early stage of development |
Gibbering | speaking inarticulately |
Glacial | hostile; cold; icy; slow |
Glib | flip, superficial speech |
Goad | prod; urge |
Grate (v) | annoy; shred |
Gratis | free of charge; without payment |
Gratuitous | unwarranted; free |
Gravity | seriousness |
Gregarious | extroverted; outgoing |
Gritty | coarse; courageous |
Guffaw | loud burst of laughter |
Guile | cunning; craftiness |
Guileless | honest; frank |
Gullibility | unwariness; trustfulness |
Gullible | easily fooled |
Gustatory | concerned with the sense of taste |
Hackneyed | common; trite |
Halcyon | calm; peaceful |
Hallowed | worshipped; consecrated |
Hamper | hinder; obstruct |
Hangar | large storage structure (e.g. for plane) |
Harangue | long attacking speech |
Harbingers | indicators; one that announces a future occurrence |
Hasten | hurry; accelerate; rush |
Haughtiness | arrogance; pride |
Headstrong | obstinate; stubborn |
Hedonism | self indulgence; pleasure-seeking |
Hedonist | a pleasure seeker |
Heed | listen to; give attention to |
Heresy | opinion contrary to orthodox doctrine |
Hiatus | break; interruption; gap |
Hidebound | rigid in opinion; conservative |
Hieroglyphics | writing with symbols |
Hinder | obstruct |
Histrionic | theatrical; exaggerated |
Hoary | old |
Hone | sharpen; whet |
Hortatory | encouraging; exhorting |
Hyperbole | intentional exaggeration |
Hypochondriac | person preoccupied with health |
Hypocritical | insincere; pretending to hold beliefs not actually held |
Iconoclast | person who opposes orthodoxy |
Idiosyncrasy | characteristic peculiar to individual |
Idyll | story set in peaceful (usually pastoral) scene |
Ignominious | shameful; humiliating |
Illuminate | to light up; enlighten |
Illusory | deceptive; false; misleading |
Immoderate | excessive; extreme |
Immutable | unchanging; permanent |
Impartial | unbiased; neutral |
Impecunious | poor |
Imperturbability | quality of being calm, not easily agitated |
Impious | wicked; profane |
Impoverished | destitute; poor |
Impromptu | unrehearsed; spontaneous |
Impugned | challenged; cast doubt upon |
Inadvertent | unintentional |
Incantation | chant; invocation; prayer |
Incarceration | putting in prison; confinement |
Incessant | non stop |
Inchoate | undeveloped; unorganized |
Incipient | in initial stage; beginning |
Incise | cut into |
Inclination | tendency; disposition |
Incoherent | not logical; lacking cohesion |
Incongruous | out of place |
Inconsequential | unimportant; insignificant |
Inconspicuous | subtle; not prominent |
Indelible | cannot be wiped out |
Indifferent | neutral; not outstanding |
Indigenous | native to a particular area |
Indolence | laziness; inactivity |
Inductee | novice; beginner |
Indulgent | pampering; satisfying desires |
Inebriation | drunkenness; intoxication |
Ineffable | incapable of being expressed in words |
Inept | incompetent; unskilled; useless |
Inertia | inactivity; lethargy |
Inevitable | cannot be avoided |
Inexorable | relentless |
Inexpedient | not advisable; unsuitable |
Infallible | unfailing; unable to err |
Infamous | having a bad reputation |
Infer | deduce; conclude |
Ingénue | naïve, unsophisticated person |
Ingrate | ungrateful person |
Inimical | hostile; harmful |
Iniquitous | wicked; unjust |
Innate | inborn; inherent |
Innocuous | harmless; inoffensive |
Innovate | create; make something new |
Inscrutable | mysterious; impenetrable; not easily understood |
Insentient | unfeeling; inanimate |
Insipid | dull; bland; vapid |
Instigate | to start; provoke |
Insurgent | rebel; one who forcible opposes authority |
Interminable | never-ending; incessant |
Intermittent | sporadic; irregular; repeated stopping and starting |
Interregnum | time period between reigns or governments |
Intransigent | stubborn; uncompromising |
Intrepid | brave; undaunted |
Inured | hardened; habituated |
Inveigle | coax or entice with flattery |
Inveterate | habitual; long time |
Invidious | causing animosity or envy |
Inviolable | cannot be violated; in assailable |
Irascible | easily angered |
Ire | anger |
Irksome | annoying; infuriating |
Ironic | conveying meaning opposed to literal meaning; unexpected |
Irrational | unreasonable; illogical |
Irreproachable | free of blame |
Irrevocable | unalterable; cannot be cancelled |
Itinerant | nomadic; travelling from place to place |
Jaded | dull; worn out |
Jamb | door post |
Jargon | vocabulary specific to a profession or group |
Jaundiced | affected by bitterness/ resentment |
Jaunt | short journey |
Jeopardize | put at risk; endanger |
Jingoistic | militaristic national chauvinism |
Jocular | in a joking manner |
Jollity | gaiety; cheerfulness |
Jubilant | delighted; rejoicing |
Judicious | wise |
Jurisprudence | science or philosophy of law |
Juxtapose | place side by side for contrast |
Kindle | start a fire |
Knotty | intricate; difficult |
Labyrinthine | complicated; tortuous |
Laceration | cut; tear |
Lachrymose | tearful; sad |
Lackluster | dull; lacking vitality |
Laconic | concise |
Lacuna | gap; missing part |
Lambaste | beat; or reprimand verbally |
Lamentation | expression of sorrow or grief |
Lampoon | ridicule; spoof |
Lance | spear; to pierce (v) |
Languid | listless; slow |
Languish | become weak; fade away; be ignored |
Larceny | theft; robbery; stealing |
Largess | generosity |
Lascivious | lustful |
Lassitude | lack of energy; weariness |
Laud | praise |
Lavish | profusive; in great amounts |
Lax | careless; not strict |
Leaven | to make light; modify; cause bread to rise using yeast etc. |
Legend | myth or story; key to map |
Legion | in large numbers; military unit |
Lethargic | tired; without energy |
Levity | flippancy; jocularity |
Libertine | someone unrestrained morally; prodigal |
Libido | sexual desire |
Lien | right to sell property held as a security; legal hold on job etc. |
Limpid | transparently clear |
Liniment | soothing ointment |
Lint | fluff; soft material used to cover wounds |
Litany | prayer; lengthy recitation; repetitive account |
Lithe | flexible; supple |
Liturgy | form of worship |
Livid | very angry |
Lobbyist | person who tries to influence law makers |
Lofty | high;exalted; haughty |
Loll | laze around; hang out (when used of the tongue) |
Longevity | duration of life |
Lope | run with long strides |
Loquacious | talkative |
Lucid | clear; easily understood |
Lucre | money; gains |
Ludicrous | ridiculous; silly |
Lugubrious | mournful; gloomy; dismal |
Lukewarm | tepid; indifferent |
Lumber | move clumsily; timber (wood) |
Luscious | juicy; moist |
Lynch | assassinate; kill; illegal hanging |
Macerate | soften by soaking in liquid; cause to thin |
Machinations | crafty schemes |
Maculated | spotted |
Maelstrom | whirlpool; tumult |
Magnanimous | generous; big-hearted |
Magnate | important person in a field, usually business |
Maladroit | awkward; unskillful |
Malady | illness |
Malediction | curse |
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