Unit 08_Body Parts, Organs & Bodily Fluids


SLS Indonesian
Karteikarten von SLS Indonesian, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
SLS Indonesian
Erstellt von SLS Indonesian vor fast 2 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Frage Antworten
bulu mata eyelash
badan body (tubuh)
bagian tubuh / bagian badan body parts / parts of the body
bahu shoulder
betis calf
bibir lips
bokong buttocks / arse
alis mata eyebrow
dada chest
dagu chin
dahi forehead
gigi teeth
hati liver (used as 'heart' in the metaphorical sense)
hidung nose
ibu jari thumb
jambang sideburns
jantung heart (the actual organ)
jari (tangan) fingers
jari kaki toes
jari manis ring finger
jari tengah middle finger
jenggot beard
kaki foot / leg
kelingking little finger
kemaluan sexual organs (both male and female)
kepala head
ketiak armpit / underarm
kuku jari (tangan) fingernails
kuku jari kaki toenails
kulit skin
kumis moustache
leher neck
lengan arm
lidah tongue
lutut knee
mata eyes
muka face (wajah)
otak brain (the organ)
otot muscles
paha thighs
paru-paru lungs
payudara breasts
pergelangan kaki ankles
pergelangan tangan wrists
pipi cheeks
punggung back
rambut hair
siku elbow
tangan hand
telinga ears
telunjuk index finger
tubuh body (badan)
tulang bone
tumit heel
tungkai leg
ubun-ubun fontanel (crown of head)
air kencing urine
air seni urine
air mani semen
darah blood
tahi feces / excrement
tahi telinga earwax
air liur saliva / spit
air ludah saliva / spit
ingus mucus / snot
keringat sweat / perspiration
air mata tears
muntah vomit
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