N1-N2 JLPT Vocabulary


JLPT Vocabulary N1-N2
Lukas Muriel
Karteikarten von Lukas Muriel, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Lukas Muriel
Erstellt von Lukas Muriel vor fast 2 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

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核家族 (かくかぞく) Nuclear family
家族風呂 (かぞくふろ) Family bath
家族葬 (かぞくそう) Family funeral
家族計画 (かぞくけいかく) Family planning
夫婦 (ふうふ) Married couple, husband and wife
配偶者 (はいぐうしゃ) Spouse, wife, husband
印象 (いんしょう) To make an impression (suru verb), Impression
違和感 (いわかん) Physical unease, uncomfortable feeling
暗闇 (くらやみ) Darkness
期待 (きたい) To expect (Suru verb. Only good things)
予想 (よそう) To expect (Suru verb. Good and bad things)
寝室 (しんしつ) Sleeping room
寝具 (しんぐ) Bedding, bedclothes
寝言を言う (ねごとをいう) To talk in one's sleep
寝落ち (ねおち) Dozing off, becoming inactive due to falling asleep
傑作 (けっさく) Masterpiece
肉親 (にくしん) Blood relative, immediate family
身内 (みうち) Relatives
他界 (たかい) To die (suru verb)
おふくろ Mum (one's mum)
おやじ Dad (one's dad), middle aged man
じぐさ Mannerism, gestures
愛しい (いとしい) Cute, adorable
同い年 (おないどし) Same age
連中 (れんちゅう) Group (of people), bunch, gang
飲み込む (のきこむ) To swallow
歩む (あゆむ) To go on foot
能率的 (のうりつてき) Efficient
仕上げる (しあげる) To finish off, to complete
競争 (きょうそう) Competition, race, rivalry
間隔 (かんかく) Interval
貧しい (まずしい) Poor, needy
激しい (はげしい) Violent,furious, extreme, intense
ビジネス business
読み手 (よみて) Reader
全国 (ぜんこく) Whole-country, the whole country
集団行動 (しゅうだんこうどう) Group activity
助言 (じょげん) Advice, hint, tip
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