Protecting the Environment


Degree IOSH MS Karteikarten am Protecting the Environment, erstellt von adamharries am 26/11/2013.
Karteikarten von adamharries, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Erstellt von adamharries vor etwa 11 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Frage Antworten
Inputs  Goods  Energy  Water
Operations  Production  Maintenance  Transport
Outputs  Product  Pollution  Waste
The Pollution Process Source Pathway Target
Source (example) accidental discharge of milk from a dairy
Pathway (example) drainage system to river
Target fish in river
The main cause of air pollution the burning of fossil fuels
Water pollution sources can be categorised as... point sources or non-point sources
The main land pollution issues are...  Contamination from industrial use; and  Land filling of waste
In its broadest context waste is... any input into a business that does not directly contribute to the manufactured product or delivered service
The narrower, legal definition of waste is... any substance or object that is to be discarded either because it is not useable or because it has reached the end of its useful life
Waste Management Hierarchy... Prevent Reduce Reuse Recover Dispose
An effective EMS has many business benefits including... Ensuring legal compliance;  Improved management of environmental risks;  Improved business performance, e.g. cost savings from improved waste management;  General enhancement of business reputation.
A certified EMS can offer benefits including... Improving stakeholder confidence that the EMS meets requirements;  Third party / independent view - giving increased assurance on approach; and  Influence the approach taken to enforcement under the environmental permitting regime.
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ähnlicher Inhalt

01. Introducing Managing Safely
04. Assessing Risk
02. Investigating Accidents and Incidents
03. Human Factors
Einstufungstest Italienisch Niveau B1.1
Biologie Zellbiologie
2C Entwicklungspsychologie
LB F, Kapitel 2, Grundbegriffe der Kosten- und Leistungsrechnung
Stefan Kurtenbach
Imperialismus Zusammenfassung
Robert Mairginter
ALDI SUISSE PLU: Kernsortiment 01 - 99
Sarah Huber