Erstellt von Aidan Crosbie
vor 12 Monate
Frage | Antworten |
Bones of medial arch | Calcaneus, talus, navicular, cuneiforms, 1st-3rd metatarsals |
Tendons/muscles of the medial arch | Tendons of Flexor hallucis longus, Tibialis anterior and posterior, Fibularis longus and Abductor hallucis |
Ligaments of the medial arch | Interosseous talocalcaneal, (Plantar calcaneonavicular) Spring ligament Plantar aponeurosis |
Bones of the lateral arch | calcaneus, cuboid and 4th-5th metatarsals |
Tendons/muscles of the lateral arch | Fibularis longus, brevis and tertius Abductor digiti minimi |
Ligaments of the lateral arch | Long and short plantar Plantar aponeurosis |
Bones of the transverse arch | Cuboid, cuneiforms and the bases of the metatarsals |
Tendons/muscles of the transverse arch | Fibularis longus and Tibialis posterior |
Ligaments of the transverse arch | Long and short plantar plantar aponeurosis Spring (plantar calcaneonavicular) |
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