Letter Address Commands


The Letter Address Commands used in CNC block programming.
Edward Guthrie
Karteikarten von Edward Guthrie, aktualisiert vor 8 Monate
Edward Guthrie
Erstellt von Edward Guthrie vor 8 Monate

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Frage Antworten
A Rotation about X-Axis
B Rotation about Y-Axis
C Rotation about Z-Axis
D Cutter diameter compensation "CDC" offset address
E Precision feed rate for threading on lathes
F Feed Rate
G G-code (preparatory code)
H Tool length offset "TLO"
I Arc center X-vector, also used in drill cycles
J Arc center Y-vector, also used in drill cycles
K Arc center Z-vector, also used in drill cycles
L Fixed cycle loop count; Specification of what register to edit using G10
M M-code (Miscellaneous code)
N Block number
O Program number
P Dwell time
Q Used in drill cycles
R Arc radius, also used in drill cycles
S Spindle speed in RPM
T Tool number
U Forced Incremental X-axis movement
V Forced Incremental Y-axis movement
W Forced Incremental Z-axis movement
X X-Coordinate
Y Y-Coordinate
Z Z-Coordinate
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