Chapter 6: "The Age of Exploration"


1500-1800, Unit 4
Trisha G.
Karteikarten von Trisha G., aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Trisha G.
Erstellt von Trisha G. vor etwa 9 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Frage Antworten
Consequences of European Expansion -Colonization -Dramatic Growth in Slave Trade -Spread of Christianity
Melaka's Importance (if controlled by Portuguese) -Important Spice Trade port -Would help destroy Arab Spice Trade -Would lead to a route to the Spice Islands.
Bartholomeu Dias rounds Cape of Good Hope 1488
Treaty of Tordesillas established 1494
Vasco da Gama arrives off the port of Calicut, India 1498
Spanish gain control of northern Mexico 1550
First countries to start rising in economic heights from world-wide trade Portugal and Spain
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