

Boards Ophthalmology Karteikarten am Anatomy, erstellt von Rick Lanuza am 09/11/2015.
Rick Lanuza
Karteikarten von Rick Lanuza, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Rick Lanuza
Erstellt von Rick Lanuza vor etwa 9 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Frage Antworten
What orbital bone is absent in all domestic animals except Pig? Ethmoid
What domestic animals have the Maxillary bone as an orbital bone? Dog, Cat, Sheep, Ox
What orbital bone is present in the horse and rabbit only? Temporal
What goes through the Optic Foramen? Optic n. Internal ophthalmic a.
What goes through the Orbital Foramen? Oculomotor n. Trochlear n. Ophthalmic n. (branch of trigeminal) Abducens n.
What goes through the Alar Foramen? Maxillary n. (branch of trigeminal) Maxillary a.
Name 6 bones of the orbit? Frontal Lacrimal (Maxillary) Zygomatic Sphenoid Palatine
What two bones/structures make up the orbital floor? Sphenoid & Palatine
What is the thickness and diameter of the K9 lens? 10mm diameter 7mm axis/thickness
What is the pigmented & non-pigmented C.B. epi continuous with posteriorly? Pigmented: RPE Non-pigmented: Neurosensory retina
When is the tapetum usually formed? 4 months of age
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