DNA Repair Defects & Cancer Therapy


Year 2 Karteikarten am DNA Repair Defects & Cancer Therapy, erstellt von gina_evans0312 am 01/12/2013.
Karteikarten von gina_evans0312, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Erstellt von gina_evans0312 vor mehr als 11 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Frage Antworten
Xeroderma Pigmentosum Inability to repair pyrimidine dimers caused by UV damage
2 Options for DNA damaged cells Apoptosis, or replication of faulty DNA
Primary Site treatment Surgical Removal
Mesastised Cell Treatment Chemo/radiotherapy
Cytostatic Prevents cell proliferation
Cytotoxic Causes cell destruction
Aim of Cancer treatments Maximum effect on tumor with minimum side effects
Theraputic Window- Cancer therapies sit at the top of the curve
Cell Culture- Primary Cells Essentially normal cells
Cell Culture- Crisis Outside of the body, even in a good environment, most of the cells cannot survive and will die
Cell Culture- Established Cell Line Cells have modified enough to divide indefinitely, but are otherwise normal
Maximum Tolerated Effect Greatest strength of treatment possible without killing the patient
Cell Culture- Transformed Cells Cells are bascially cancerous, but are non-mobile
Cell Culture- Tumerogenic Cells are now mobile and able to metastise
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