ASI 220 Lecture 2


Animal orders/scientific names & a few nutrition definitions
Vy Tran2969
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Vy Tran2969
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Nutrition series of processes by which an animal acquires, processes, digests, absorbs, metabolizes & excretes portions of its external chemical environment for the function of internal metabolism
Comparative Nutrition cross species study of adaptations & utilization of different nutrient sources
Order Galliformes Family Phasianidae -Gallus gallus domesticus (domestic chicken) -Meleagris gallopavo (domestic turkey) -Coturnix spp. (domestic quail)
Order Anseriformes Family Anatidae - Anas platyrhynchos (duck) -Cairina moschata (duck) -Anser anser (goose)
Order Carnivora Family Canidae -Canis lupus familiarus (domestic dog) Family Felidae -Felis catus (domestic cat) Family Mustelidae -Mustela putorius furo (domestic ferret)
Order Perisodactyla Family Equidae -Subfamily Equinae ºEquus caballus (domestic horse) ºEquus asinus (domestic ass) Odd # of toes
Order Artiodactyla Family Suidae -Sus scrofa (domestic swine) Family Bovidae -Subfamily Bovinae ºBos taurus (domestic cow) -Subfamily Caprinae ºCapra histricus (domestic goat) ºOvis aries (domestic sheep) Even # of toes
Nutritional Wisdom concept that animals have innate ability to select from a novel compliment of foods to satisfy nutrient requirements
Nutrients any feed constituent or group of feed constituents that aid support of life
Feed (Feedstuff) any material or natural or synthetic origin, fed to animals for purpose of maintaining them
Ration an amount of feed consumed by an animal in 24 hours
Diet feed ingredient or mixture of ingredients including water, which is consumed by animals
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